Sunday, March 31, 2019
Positive Focused Strategic Leadership Business Essay
Positive concentrate strategic leading Business hearMark Zuckerberg has shown himself to be a visionary attracter, and it is that vision and the volitioningness to face any(prenominal) was put in front of him that has do Facebook the fastest growing affectionate net break down website on the planet. Zuckerberg is non leading these pointts alone. In fact, fellow executives and pictorial matter presentations atomic number 18 playing a signifi washbowlt part in the briefings. sole(prenominal) in that respect is no doubt that he is the main attraction. He is the individual that potential investors virtually regard to see.Although Zuckerberg is one of those chief executive officers who symbolize the treasures of his organization, he to a fault appears keen that his colleagues do the same. Sharing leaders function is a critical challenge for any CEO during a period of ontogenesis or falsify. Although investors are attracted to Zuckerberg and are expected to flock t o the IPO, legion(predicate) an(prenominal) leave alone be feeling nervous or so whether his leadership trend muckle adapt to meet the needs of shareh gagaers. Amongst his admirers are those who feel uneasy rough his majority olfactory modality into and are unsure about his strategic focus.The CEO appears to be attainmented at connecting with a wide range of mess and balances openness, informality and a bit of nerdy quirkiness with structure and ambition. He has give tongue to in the past that he is hither to build something for the long term. Zuckerberg has made mistakes. He has talked openly about them and learned from them. For example, privacy issues with the introduction of Facebooks prime(prenominal) of all news feed led to one user starting a group called Students a turn inst Facebook news feed which quickly come throughed 750,000 users in one what. What did Zuckerberg do? He personally apologized to the groups founder and asked him for advice. He made new ass ort and turned a PR disaster into a positive story, which totally pushd masses to engage with Facebook even to a greater extent enthusiastically.Positive Focused Strategic LeadershipThe supposition of PFSL suggests a hybrid of positive psychological science and strategic leadership, which goat re go down Zuckerbergs Transactional style. Business leaders must in addition be psychological practitioners that analyze their own cutment techniques. Management could be argued to be a second condition of leadership, requiring leaders to have trustworthy human experiences when interacting with their workforce. This heart at some point a leader manages someone or something. The main question is how does one lead and manage at the same duration? Perhaps this question is topper answered by dint of the concept of positive psychology.Transactional LeadershipTo better understand the theoretical concept of any leadership style, it is imperative not to hold an intrinsic value to one notio n because sociable sciences warrant the need for it. This means that in that location are no absolutes in leadership system that best identifies a leader. Rather there is wrinkle and spectrums of various theoretical models and integrations. However, TL theory is based on contingent rewards for subordinates by controlling behaviors via leaders expectations. In contrast, the leaders expectations are ultimately fulfilled by what is best for him or her as the overarching goal of the group. This means the underlining motive of both leaders and subordinates are solely based on contingencies (e.g. money) and values individualism. Therefore, it can be argued that this does not serve as an ideal model for sustainability.A Leadership analytic thinking of Mark Zuckerberg Founder and CEO of FacebookMark Zuckerbergs leadership style by dint of a case matter format as a contrast between trait and process leadership addresses. These approaches are likewise compared to Zuckerbergs transacti onal leadership (TL) style, which is considered to be negative one. A guideline on how Zuckerberg can take for his position of power and influence through Positive Focus Strategic Leadership (PFSL) is as well as discussed as a replacement leadership approach. PFSL is a synthesis of positive and strategic leadership psychological theories. This analysis and exertion is imperative because Zuckerberg has recently emerged as one of the major global monetary leaders, as Facebooks CEO and co-founder. Therefore, Zuckerberg needs to be considered an influential entity and person. This may also suggest future leadership trends based on his level of control and influence.To some extent, Facebook (FB), a tool used to promote socialization, may be considered the alter ego of Zuckerberg since he has historically been k this instantn to be a piddling-minded socially awkward. This brilliant innovation could be the result of a social skill deficit, which may be determined to be the best skil l deficit of all time. For starters, he is only 27 age old and could be considered an infant in comparison to the experiences of his CEO counterparts. In addition, he has the ability to influence 10% of the worlds population and there is little known of Zuckerberg, the leader.Tim mendWhenTim Cooktook over Apple following Steve Jobs death, many wondered what kind of leader he would be. We knew he was beardown(prenominal) at execution of instrument on the operations behind Jobs technology and design brilliance. We knew he had been an satisfactory and competent manager whod earned the respect of Wall Street during Jobs wellness absences. And since taking over the familiarity, weve learned that hes unbidden to do thingsJobs was against, such as making investors and employees happy with stock-buyback and charitable-giving programs.With theannouncement of a surprisemanagement shake-up, we got an even better picture of what kind of leader Cook will be one who isnt too proud to admit his mistakes, and expects his team to be willing to do the same.Here are a hardly a(prenominal) takeaways from Cooks leadership style1. Diversity of leadership is massively master(prenominal) The idea behind this philosophy is that flock bring lots of variant experiences to the table, and companies that can harness the most amounts of creative experiences will be more innovative in their approach to product line. Cook very explicitly recognizes that fact, and has made variety a grounding of his management philosophy.We beseechment diversity of thought, he dictates. We want diversity of style. We want mess to be themselves. Its this great thing about Apple. You dont have to be somebody else. You dont have to put on a face when you go to work and be something different. But the thing that ties us all is were brought unneurotic by values. We want to do the right thing. We want to be naive and refinedforward. We admit when were wrong and have the courage to change.2. Tr ansparency is key Cook knew transparency would be key. With harsh criticism about the standards of Apples global employees (especially through and through their manufacturing partners at Foxconn), Cook opened the doors and invited the world to see how Apples operations unfeignedly worked. By doing this, he not only gived goodwill around the confederacy, only when set industry standards for other manufacturers.Our transparency in supplier certificate of indebtedness is an example of recognizing that the more transparent we are, the bigger difference we would hit, Cook says. We want to be as innovative with supply responsibility as we are with our products. Thats a high bar. The more transparent we are, the more its in the universe space.3. Read customer emails. (If anything, it humbles you.)- You think you understand your customersbut do you? Even Tim Cook, manoeuvre of the worlds most valuable company, carves out time to walk around company stores and read customer e-mails. Ill walk around our stores, he says. You can learn a tremendous amount in a store. I set forth a lot of e-mails and so forth, but its a different dimension when youre in a store and talking to customers face to face. You get the vibe of the placeNot allowing yourself to become insular is very important-maybe the most important thing, I think, as a CEO.4. You can only do a few things great.- Considering the size of Apple, its pretty remarkable to think about how few products the companyactuallycreates. I mean, if you really look at it, we have quaternion iPods. We have two main iPhones. We have two iPads, and we have a few Macs. Thats it, he says. The point is focus on what you do best, and do it the best you can.We argue and debate like crazy about what were passing play to do, because we know that we can only do a few things great, he says. At the right time, well keep disrupting and keep discovering new things that people didnt know they wanted.5. Admit youre wrong Ultimately, Cooks advice for entrepreneurs and CEOs is advice thats pretty helpful for anyone, really. So many people, particularly, I think, CEOs and top executives, they get so planted in their old ideas, and they refuse or dont have the courage to admit that theyre now wrong, he says. Maybe the most underappreciated thing about Steve was that he had the courage to change his mind. And you know-its a talent. Its a talent.Word Counter 1, (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from http// subject/35500675_1_john-browett-scott-forstall-craig-federighi (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from http// http// (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from http// (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 201 3, from http// http// (n.d.). Retrieved 2 8, 2013, from http// http// Essay 2Cultural sentienceIn this new era, ethnical consciousness is a very important factor to become a better and successful leader. Why heathenish sense is important because if you want to do any business or even a craft you have to have a strong friendship of cultivation otherwise you want be able to do run a business or do a job successfully. But when it comes to problem solving, one of the benefits of a diverse workforce to growing today, it is to bring innovation creative ideas, and new perspectives. To take advantage of employees skill leader must have a pagan awareness.Here in juvenile Zeal and managed organization leaders have a solid friendship of different cultures and to maintain peace and stability in the organization. pact of Waitangi is also very cross culture issue in modernistic Zealand it was sign-language(a) between Hobson and over 500 Maori leaders at that time February 6, 1840 was signed. In this contract Maori have agreed that the immigrants can come and live here in bare-ass Zealand. The Treaty of Waitangi is very sensitive issue, as in New Zealand. So there are many issues connect to the Treaty of Waitangi in the previous year. This issue needs more attention as it is very sensitive in terms of ethnic awareness.Cultural awareness leads to peace like in New Zealand people from different countries and on the job(p) together which means it broaden the opportunity of learning various migrated and running(a) together which means it broaden the opportunity of learning various cultures and dissipated the bond between different cultures. In New Zealan d where Maori Language is national language and various things in this country happens according to Maori culture which means it respects the very native culture of this land for example Haka bound which someway known as war dance is performed before all(prenominal) event where New Zealand is represented. Having knowledge of the other culture increases the collectivism and maintains the tie-in between different group of people which further helps in presidency of good relationship. A good Leader first always study the area, people inherited the area, their culture then mold his/her style of Leadership according to the environment.According to the survey by the ministry of culture and heritage that cultural consciousness has contributed to the economy of New Zealand. New Zealand government have also started some cross-cultural programmes when you start a new business or job in New Zealand and which is very important because if you have light Cultural Awareness you could probab ly-Compromise your work project and deceive it completely.Find it difficult to build good business relationship.Make people not like you in your new location.Feel frustrated, depressed, and emotionally alone.The enormousness of Cross Cultural awareness-You get to know the requirements that are need to operate business effectively in an international environment.Intercultural awareness is accepted, to create an environment that allows the culture of each.With the aim of contributing to the behaviour in a way that enriches the outcome values, perspective, constructive.Host countrys laws, traditions and customs.Leaders must know their potential enemies can share a common interest to address.Understanding of political, economic, and cultural diversity to the international perspective.Under Leadership aspect cultural awareness plays a very vital role to maintain the balance between different cultures. For an organization, cultural awareness is a key element to vary the business in p iece to lead in the marketplace as far as business view is concerned.There is a capacious relevance of Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand business activities. Many traders say that it is irrelevant, but in many ways it is a good business that actually claims and whanau, hapu, and the sheep will help release the economic potential is relevant. Expenses related to the disposal of existing as real fact that just few than 700 million in debt.The Treaty is often the subject of heated debate, and oftentimes disagreement by both Maori and non-Maori New Zealanders. Many Maori feel that the superlative did not fulfill its obligations under the Treaty, and have presented evidence of this before sittings of the Tribunal. many non-Maori New Zealanders have suggested that Maori may be abusing the Treaty in order to claim special privileges. The date of the signing has beena national holiday, now calledWaitangi Day, since 1974.In last I would say that New Zealand is very small and beautiful c ountry. In our country people should care about culture of other people who come from different countries and work to gather in one organization. Organizations today focus less on the individual and more on the team. This change has been brought about by the increasing attention of the benefits that diversity carries. Though much effort is required to successfully manage diversity, cultural awareness can serve as a stepping stone to gain employees trust, respect and cooperation.Word Counter 822BibliographyInkson, K., Kolb, D. (2002). Management Perspectives for New Zealand. Auckland Pearson Education New Zealand Limited.lianz.waikato. (1999, 2 10). TREATY OF WAITANGI SETTLEMENT. Retrieved february 1, 2013, from http// (n.d.). Retrieved 2 15, 2013, from http// http// Essay 3Graziella Thake-HobdayGraziella Thake-Hobd ay, the Founder and CEO of the Foundation for Social debt instrument New Zealand (FOStR NZ), is a former forensic and corporate psychologist with an absolute committedness to enabling the tuition of a better world.Born in India of Maltese and Italian decent, she grew up in over ten countries which have equipped her with the tools to easily work with people from all walks of life. Graziella uses her professional skills and passion for humanity to not only help individuals and organizations attain success, but also to give back to the communities of which we are all a part. She spent many years practicing Forensic Psychology,Sports and police squad Psychology and Organizational Psychology, and has worked as a facilitator, advisor and leader in a number of not-for- profit and corporate entities.Graziella travels internationally as a consultant, speaker, and for NGOs highlighting the importance of authentic leadership, conscious communication, collaborative education, and community responsibility, through the development of personal legacies. She has over 20 years experience delivering facilitation. The witting Academy has run the 12 programs developed by Graziella to bring this knowledge and power to the forefront of leadership, corporations and communities, through multiple brands over the last decade. The apprised Academy is licensing globally. Graziella is Enthusiastic, Valuable, Team Driver player, Dedicated.More recently Graziella has devoted her time to the development of the Foundation for Social Responsibility New Zealand (FOStR NZ). FOStR NZ aims to reduce and slander negative social and economic consequences touching society today by inspiring and measuring the social contributions made by corporate, SMEs, NGOs and individualsSpecialtiesGraziella has an absolute dedication to enabling the development of a better world Facilitating and bringing mere(a) solutions. A real passion and capability for providing frameworks that are attainable and susta inable for human change. Real, Passionate and approachable, both as a speaker, facilitator and consultant who brings passion, dedication, straight talking, and compassion Experience with multiple audiences, communities, needs and brands.Foundation for Social ResponsibilityThe trust has been formed on the belief that social responsibility is everyones responsibility it belongs to businesses large and small, boards, leaders, NGOs, communities and individuals. All of these groups contribute to and have a stake in our society, sustainable economic development and the communities that enable it.We are convinced that there are significant gaps in New Zealanders understanding of social issues, a lack of awareness of the valuable work beingness done, and most importantly, how they can get involved.We believe that by addressing these shortfalls we will be able to aliveness and accelerate the growth of social responsibility initiatives in New Zealand, and in so doing make a real and measura ble impact on reducing poverty.New Zealand has a myth of itself as a socially progressive country. We pride ourselves on our social policy being the first country in the world to introduce womens suffrage, universal suffrage, and our advanced social welfare policies of the depression era, homosexual law reform and more. Yet our child abuse statistics are horrendous, our prison population is leash highest in the world, and 20% of our children live in poverty.These are just some of the social elements that require attention. Our message is that we need to share responsibility for social issues affecting New Zealanders, provide care to those who need it, and together work hard to look after our neighbors, neighborhoods and communities. Social Responsibility is everyones Responsibility.Trust VisionOur vision is about creating positive change. We want Kiwis to be more caring of their communities and those who live in them. We want them to be more aware of the issues facing their commu nities and to be providential to take action and help resolve them.Trust ActivitiesProvide an online selective information and education resource about socially trustworthy initiatives taking place around New ZealandThrough research, assess the work being done to address New Zealands social issues in order to highlight successes, as well as identifying where improvement is neededBased on the above, inspire, encourage and support individuals and corporate in particular to undertake socially responsible behaviour. For example, this may take the form of educational seminars in schools, communities and businesses which teach people about the simple actions they can take in order to make a positive difference.ResearchResearch will play a key role in helping FOStR NZ achieve its vision. Research will help ensure we are always dealing with the facts and will hence add all-important credibility to FOStR NZ and our work.Our own researchers will work collaboratively with third parties suc h as NGOs, tertiary institutions and government agencies in order to gain a sound understanding of New Zealands social responsibility landscape. In particular we want toIdentify and understand the key social issues affecting New Zealand todayDefine what social responsibility means to New ZealandersUnderstand what socially responsible activity is already happening, region by region, and measure the outcomesIdentify any gaps which social issues are not being addressed?Word Counter 839
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis
Plant Pigments and Photosynthesisdepth psychology1. The solubility and the intermolecular bonds formed between the solute and the solvent argon abstruse in the separation of pigments as it moves finished a filter paper.2. The Rf prys would be different if a different solvent was employ be stir the solvent would have different characteristics which guesss the capillary put through (because the Rf value is distance pigment migrated (mm) / distance solvent front migrated (mm), the capillary action would have a large impact on the Rf value), devotion of solvent molecules to one a nonher, and each pigment provide not be equally soluble to the original solvent.3. The reaction center of photosynthesis contains chlorophyll a. opposite chlorophyll a molecules, chlorophyll b, carotenes and xanthophylls capture faint energy and transmit it to the chlorophyll a located in the reaction center. Carotenoids also hold dear the photosynthesis system from damaging ultraviolet rays.Part BP urpose power of Chloroplast vs. Rate of Photosynthesis The purpose of this lab is to observe and measure the loading of stewed and un change state chloroplast on the rate of photosynthesis of a chloroplast prison-breaking make from spinach leaves. comportment of on the loose(p) vs. Rate of Photosynthesis The purpose of this lab is to observe and measure the effect of the presence of clean on the rate of photosynthesis of a chloroplast wall hanging made from spinach leaves.VariablesCondition of Chloroplast vs. Rate of Photosynthesis Independent Variable Condition of chloroplast dependent Variable Rate of Photosynthesis this leave be measured by determine the pctage contagion of each chloroplast suspension. Controlled Variables Amount of DPIP (mL), Temperature (C), and Amount of phosphate weaken (mL)Presence of Light vs. Rate of Photosynthesis Independent Variable Presence of Light Dependent Variable Rate of Photosynthesis his will be measured by determining the per centum transmittance of each chloroplast suspension. Controlled Variables Amount of DPIP (mL), Temperature (C), and Amount of Phosphate Buffer (mL)HypothesisIf the condition of the chloroplast in the suspension was unboiled, and there was high spirits present, then there will be photosynthesis occurring in the cuvette. Photosynthesis the process by which the chloroplast within the leaf cells of green plants use sun calorie-free to synthesize foods from coulomb dioxide and water. In order for photosynthesis to occur, the chloroplast needs to be mathematical process, and ignition needs to be present to cause electrons for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate to bind with. Because unboiled chloroplast and decrepit argon both(prenominal) present in cuvette 3, photosynthesis occurred rapidly. But if boiled chloroplast and fire up were present, photosynthesis would not occur. stewing the chloroplast would rupture and destroy the chloroplast, therefore ceasing the process of photo synthesis. If unboiled chloroplast was in the cuvette, but infirm was absent, photosynthesis would not occur. Light is important in the process of photosynthesis. Light salient photosystem II is the cause of the stirred electrons that bind to the NADP, but in this experiment, the compound, DPIP, will be used as a substitute to determine part transmittance. Therefore, with bring out properly carrying out chloroplast and joyous present, photosynthesis in the cuvette will not occur. occasionFirst set up an incubation area that includes a low-cal and a heat sink. Use a 100 mL beaker or flask filled with water to be nursing homed between the light author and the cuvettes. Then, because you need to keep the chloroplast suspension cool, fill a bucketful lead quarters full with frappe. Prepare the cuvettes by wiping all sides clean. mobilise to handle them by touching the sides with the ridges. All solutions should be free of bubbles. stupefy cuvette position with the clear side facing the light source in the colorimeter. Label the caps of the cuvettes with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Then make a stop container and a cap for cuvette 2 and make sure it can be soft outside so you it can be placed into the colorimeter for per centum transmittance readings. This will keep the light out of cuvette 2 because it is a control. Remember to replace the foil between readings. Label the provided pipets B for boiled chloroplast and U for unboiled chloroplast. Obtain the boiled and unboiled chloroplasts. Fill the bulb of each pipette to about one-third its total size. Invert the pipettes and place them in your ice bath. Be sure to keep both chloroplasts on ice at all periods. When you are dispensing the chloroplasts into the cuvette, gently shake the pipette to resuspend the chloroplasts. To cuvette 1 add 1 mL of phosphate buffer, 2.5 mL of distilled water, and 3 drops of unboiled chloroplasts cuvette 2 add 1 mL of phosphate buffer, 1.5 mL of distilled water, 1 mL of DPIP, and 3 drops of unboiled chloroplasts cuvette 3 add 1 mL of phosphate buffer, 1.5 mL of distilled water, 1 mL of DPIP, and 3 drops of unboiled chloroplasts cuvette 4 add 1 mL of phosphate buffer, 1.5 mL of distilled water, 1 mL of DPIP, and 3 drops of boiled chloroplasts cuvette 5 add 1 mL of phosphate buffer, 1.5 mL + 3 drops of distilled water, and 1 mL of DPIP. Link the computer to the colorimeter, and prepare Logger Pro. Add three drops of unboiled chloroplasts to the water and phosphate buffer as indicated in the table. Cap the cuvette, place it into the colorimeter and use it to calibrate the colorimeter. Finally, add three drops of unboiled chloroplasts to cuvette 2, immediately suck up your stopwatch, and present the time and transmittance in the selective information table. Return the cuvette to its foil container and place it behind the heat sink. Add three drops of unboiled chloroplasts to cuvette 3, immediately record the transmittance and time. Add three drops o f boiled chloroplast to cuvette 4, and record the time and transmittance. give away and record the transmittance of cuvette 5, which is the control. Record time and transmittance. Remember to check the transmittance of each cuvette at five-minute intervals from when the chloroplasts were added up to 15 minutes.ConclusionFunctioning chloroplasts and the accessibility of light are two important factors for the rate of photosynthesis. Light is postulate to excite the electrons from the water molecule. Then the excited electron binds with NADP, or in this case, DPIP. When the DPIP accepts the electron, the compound begins to degrade. A great concentration of DPIP is easily interpretn inside a cuvette because of the dark blue dye associated with the DPIP. As DPIP degrades, the color of the chloroplast solution begins to astonish hoy. A solution without DPIP would be clear. Percent transmittance would be greater if more light passes through the solution in the colorimeter. If a cuv ette had operate chloroplasts and was exposed to light, the DPIP would be breaking down at a high-speed rate in the controlled time, which would mean there are little DPIP compounds in the cuvette, impressioning in a lighter colored suspension the get of DPIP is direct related to the shade of the solution. The percent transmittance is determined from the shade of the suspension the lighter the solution, the smaller the amount of DPIP remaining. Therefore, the decrease of DPIP in the given time would indicate that photosynthesis is indeed occurring in the cuvette.Our hypothesis is supported by the information because we hypothesized that fully functioning chloroplast with the presence of light would result in the occurrence of photosynthesis. In this experiment, we tested and observed the effect of the condition of chloroplast and the presence of light on the rate of photosynthesis. In cuvette 2, we added unboiled chloroplast and did not allow light to pass around the cuvette . So we used aluminum foil to block out the light from the light source behind the heat sink. At 0 minutes, the light transmittance was at 17.5%. But 10 minutes afterward the percent transmittance was at 19.9%. The data indicates that where was a small amount of DPIP reduced. When we removed the cuvettes foil shell to measure transmittance, light was introduced to the suspension. This indicates that the very little photosynthesis that occurred was the result of the light that excited electrons for DPIP to accept during the seconds between the removing and the replacing of the aluminum cuvette castings. In cuvette 3, there was unboiled chloroplast and light introduced to the mixture of distilled water, phosphate buffer, and DPIP. As you can see from the provided data table and graph, at 0 minutes, the transmittance was 18.09%. But 10 minutes later, the percent transmittance rose to 96.26%. Light struck the functioning chloroplast, excited electrons, and caused DPIP to break down as it accepted the electrons. This is evidence of photosynthesis occurring at a very fast rate inside cuvette 3. But 15 minutes later, the transmittance of cuvette 3 was to 96.83%. This shows that the rate of photosynthesis slows down, but this was the cause of the tight amount of DPIP. The rate of photosynthesis was so fast that it used up close all of the available DPIP in 10-15 minutes. In cuvette 4, there was boiled chloroplast in the suspension, and light was present. At the initial time, 0 minutes, percent transmittance was at 24.32%. 10 minutes later, the solution had a 28.47% transmittance. There is a fragile increase in transmittance, but exposure to light can cause DPIP to break down. If photosynthesis had occurred, it would have occurred at a much faster rate. The data would be similar to cuvette 3s data, but because of the slight increase of transmittance, photosynthesis did not occur. This proves out hypothesis that for photosynthesis to occur, light and operating(a) c hloroplast mustiness be present. When the chloroplast was boiled, this destroyed the chloroplast. Therefore, without functioning chloroplast, photosynthesis will not occur. Cuvette 5 was the control chloroplast was not added to the solution. At 0 minutes cuvette 5 had a transmittance of 25.22%. 10 minutes later cuvette 5s transmittance was 22.60%. This decrease is due to experimental error.Without light, usable chloroplast would be no use. In order for photosynthesis to occur, light must be present to excite the electrons. Because of the absence of light, DPIP will not degrade due to accepting excited electrons, for instance, cuvette 2s data. Without fully functional chloroplast, there will not be whatever electrons in photosystem II to excite, and the DPIP will not degrade because there arent any excited electrons to bond to, for example, cuvette 4. This data proves that for photosynthesis to occur, fully functional chloroplast and light must be present.AnalysisThe DPIP will be used to substitute the NADP electron acceptor. When light strikes the chloroplasts, the electrons are boosted to a higher energy level, which will reduce the DPIP, turning it from blue to colorless. The DPIP replaces the NADP molecule. Electrons used to reduce DPIP are obtained when a water molecule is split. The colorimeter in this experiment measures the amount of light received at the sensor across from the light source in the colorimeter. If the chloroplast suspension, which is placed in between the light sensor and the light source, is darker in color, then we can imply that the DPIP in the solution has not yet broken down, which confirms that photosynthesis is not occurring. Darkness inhibits the reduction of DPIP because the light waves are not exciting the electrons in the chloroplast, the DPIP is not breaking down. Therefore, the DPIP remains in great numbers in the chloroplast suspension. The more DPIP, the darker the solution. Boiling chloroplasts does not affect the red uction of DPIP. When the chloroplast is boiled, it is nonfunctional. Because the chloroplast is nonfunctional, the photosystem II is unable to receive the light and excite the electron. Because the electrons are not excited, the DPIP is not reduced. Chloroplasts that were incubated in the light are able to govern the energy from the light to excite electrons that is then accepted by DPIP. This causes a reduction of DPIP, which makes the originally blue chloroplast suspension to lighten in color. The lighter the solution, the greater the percent transmittance, because more light can pass through the solution in the colorimeter. Chloroplasts that were kept in the dark do not receive light and cannot excite electrons. The DPIP compounds are not broken down, which results in a darker blue suspension. When this is placed into the colorimeter to measure percent transmittance, less light will be able to travel through the suspension due to the dark-blue color of the suspension.Cuvette 1 w as used to calibrate the colorimeter. This cuvette did not contain DPIP, which would resemble 100% transmittance because of the lack of dye in the solution.Cuvette 2 contained unboiled chloroplast and was kept in the dark. This was used to confirm that both functional chloroplast and light are needed for photosynthesis to occur because the combination of unboiled chloroplast and the absence of light did not produce a significance increase in percent transmittance.Cuvette 3 contained functional chloroplast and was placed in the light. The significant increase of percent transmittance proves that both functional chloroplast and significant light are incumbent for photosynthesis to occur.Cuvette 4 contained boiled chloroplast and was placed in the light. The function of this cuvette was to prove that functional chloroplast and light are needed for photosynthesis to occur, but the small increase in percent transmittance may have been the result due to the light breaking down DPIP.Cuvet te 5 did not contain any chloroplast or light. This cuvette was used as a control. It would be used as the service line when analyzing data because it can reveal any effects that is experienced by the cuvette that did not result from the presence of chloroplast or light.
Systems Analysis: History, Concepts And Theories
Systems depth psychology History, Concepts And Theories matchless could unarguably suggest that system of ruless exist, in various forms, since the dawn of time. From the Solar System, to our planets ecosystem, to the valet societies where the great unwashed gathered into teams to hunt animals or farm the land to be fitting to survive, solely ar prime examples of thousand years oldish systems. By exposition, a system could be described as all(prenominal) entity, conceptual or physical, which consists of interdependent parts (Ackoff, 1960).As the clement-control conduct systems (i.e. society, organizations, information systems and pedigree systems) started to create increasingly much complex, various issues appeared like an increase of costs, harder nourishment and to a greater extent administrative complexities. The need to overcome and solve all these problems led to the appearance of the field of Systems analytic thinking.Systems abstract History, Concepts Theori esThe analysis, as defined in the Oxford Dictionary, is the detachment of a substance into parts for study and interpretation detailed examination. Subsequently, Systems Analysis could be described as the early bear upon in the knowledge of a new system, or the evaluation of an old one, where the analysts try to go over a presumptuousness situation, identify the main problems that need to be solved, return them up into sub-problems if needed, and finally recommend the practiced efficient and costless mien to solve them (Yeates et al, 1994 Silver et al, 1989 Bingham et al, 1978). Plato once said the beginning is the virtually Copernican part of work. Nowadays, Platos words are proved far from wrong in the case of takeing or evaluating a system. The first steps of work on a new project are probably the most master(prenominal) ones to guarantee any fair chance of success. This is the main yard wherefore many organizations, companies and governments prefer to spend a sig nificant list of money in the early stages of growing, in order to be able to minimize the risk of potential disaster later on (Daniels et al, 1981). subsequently all, the sooner a mistake is identified, the sooner it forget be fixed, delivery a lot of labour, time and money.There are many types of human-controlled systems, as previously mentioned, ranging from large-scale, complex human societies (whose boundaries are unremarkably non so easy to define as they constantly interact with otherwise societies near them), to small-scale figurer information systems (whose boundaries are easier to define). Although each key write and researcher tried to describe his let concept of what analysis is and why it is critical to apply it in the organic evolution process, their thoughts and views share many everyday elements. Depending on the type of system they concentrated on, various definitions where assumption.To begin with, Systems Analysis is the process of investigating a sy stems boundaries, users, processes, inputs and divulgeputs with the aim of suggesting to a greater extent than efficient and frugal ways to solve the problems in question (Silver et al, 1989). Another, much general soupcon is that Systems Analysis refers to an orderly, structured process for identifying and solving problems (Gore et al, 1983). Finally, according to George Marshall in his book Systems Analysis and tendency Alternative Structured Approaches, Systems Analysis is the process of defining precisely what a computer system should do (Marshall, 1986).Igor Hawryszkiewycz describes in his book Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design that analysis is mainly apply in order to effectively understand the structure of a system and what its requirements are (Hawryszkiewycz, 1994). John Bingham in his book A Handbook of Systems Analysis describes the analysis in six steps the project selection, the feasibility study, the definition phase, the design phase, the implementat ion phase and finally the evaluation phase (Bingham et al, 1978). possibly one of the most straightforward explanations of Systems Analysis main objective is that it aims to translate user inevitably into specifications for programmers (Marshall, 1989). To achieve this, the systems analyst has to complete five tasks and responsibilities to plan, investigate, understand, chronicle and communicate with the end of the team (Yeates et al, 1994). Firstly and probably most importantly too, the analyst must study the feasibility of the system. This means that he has to good search and decide if it is humanly assertable to develop the system and how a good deal movement in time and money it will cost to do so. Second step is to discuss with the systems target group and find out their needs in order to be able to understand and prolong the requirements. Third step is to research the existing data, human recourses and available computer procedures to find out the limitations, techniq ues or methods that will be utilize in the later stages of knowledge. Usually from this phase and on the analyst works close up together with the designers, programmers and testers in order to establish a successful chat between the team and share feedback with them (Parkin, 1980 Daniels et al, 1981 Open University, 1982).Although the human-controllable systems are in human race ages now, Systems Analysis as a scientific field is quite more recent, and its roots can be traced back a few decades. onward computers became mainstream, the first analysts where using more traditional courtes to analyze and solve the given problems. They followed two main steps firstly they analyzed the projects requirements and secondly they condition these requirements. Although this practice was logical and theoretically correct, it depended too much on the human factor, which means it was prone to mistakes. Among the disadvantages of the traditional approach was that it required vast amounts of indite documentation, many times there was a lack of communication between the analysts and the designers and last but not least it was very time consuming. every(prenominal) these negatives caused a great number of system information projects to face difficulties during the analysis phase in the 1970s (Yeates et al, 1994).Researchers in the field of Systems Analysis, in an effort to overcome all the problems caused by the traditional approach, focused their attention to develop new, more efficient methods of analysis. The result of the above efforts was a structured approach to analysis (Yourdon, 1976 DeMarco, 1979 Bansler, 1993). This approach, as described in the book Systems Analysis and Design by Don Yeates et al, follows three general principles modeling, partitioning and iteration. Modeling is the lengthened use of models, diagrams, data flow charts and other graphic representations, which aim to picture a non-confusing, realistic image of the system to the rest of the d evelopment team. sectionalization is the method of dividing the system in question to sub-systems with the aim of making them more understandable to the rest of the team. Moreover, partitioning helps the analyst to decide which part of the alone problem every member of the team will be given to solve. Iteration is the method of constantly repeating the analysis stage, as many times as needed, in order to reach the best possible solution. The need for iteration arises from the fact that it is rare for a system to be represented correctly the first time, as many repetitions are usually needed, in order to achieve a standard of accuracy (Yeates et al, 1994). side by side(p) the appearance of a more structured and formal way of analyzing a system, researchers were trying to come up with various models, which held a central mathematical function for Systems Analysis. These models, if strictly followed, would significantly enhance the development process. The early software product dev elopment models though, such as the Waterfall Model (Royce, 1970), did not allow a lot of room for feedback and transmutes because of their linear structure. In contrast to these early models, circumscribed approaches like the V-Model (German Ministry of Defense, 1992) and the Spiral Model (Boehm, 1988) gave the analyst the flexibility to interact with the rest of the team level(p) in the later development phases. This is particularly important for the sole reason that, as discussed earlier, Systems Analysis is one of the most authoritative phases during a systems creation. By providing the team the option to interact with the analyst on the go, it can minimize the time needed for system revision and most importantly save a lot of time and money.Although return of investment and risk minimization are two of the most salient reasons of why Systems Analysis is so important, there are a lot more benefits to be gained in the long term. The efficiency of the project team is greatly enhanced as goals are reached faster and the available resources are used more wisely. Furthermore, errors are recognized earlier which translates to less time invested in testing during the final phases of a project, which in its own turn leads over again to more profit (Silver et al, 1989).It is very important also to mention that forthwith systems become so complex that usually consist of multiple subsystems, each one playing a key role in the safe and sound process. These subsystems coexist and highly depend on each other. Any change that may occur in any of them could affect multiple other subsystems of the safe and sound. It is critical for the analysts to spend a considerable amount of time and effort to understand the system as one single entity and identify all of its problems. Only after a thorough study of the system they will be able to really understand its purpose and support the development team in creating a system that will be safe, half-hardy and effective (H awryszkiewycz, 1994).In 1994, a study by the Standish Group provides a better understanding of how valuable the correct application of analysis during a systems development phase is. The company studied eight thousand software projects undertaken by 350 different companies in order to see how successful the development process was. The results were disastrous as around 31% of the projects were cancelled earlier they make it to the production phase (Standish, 1994). When in further study, these companies were asked about the reasons for these failures, more than 54% answered that it was various problems during the analysis phase (Standish, 1995).Systems analysis though is not a cure-all medicine. Like all approaches in system development, it has its own disadvantages and limitations. Some company, for example, could have so many internal problems, financial or not, that a single Systems Analysis, even the best one possible, could not be enough to save it from bankruptcy. Another dis advantage is that Systems Analysis costs a lot of money and time (Silver et al, 1989). Although, it has been proven many times that projects that went through a thorough System Analysis phase had greater chances to become successful, its still not a guarantee. As the human factor never stops to play a vital role in the whole development process, there is always the risk that something is mistakenly overlooked (i.e. a bug in the code that escapes the final testing phase), which leads to a deformity product in the production line, which in turn leads to less sales or even stigmatize the organizations good name.ConclusionSystems Analysis has become a necessity, a highly important and integral tool that development teams, governments and companies use to enhance their productivity and raise their profit margins (Silver et al, 1989). As people say money makes the world go round, and this is especially true nowadays that organizations put even more effort to identify and satisfy their needs in the most effective and efficient way. Systems and projects become even more sophisticated, even more advanced, even more complex and even more critical for the safety of the users. Developers must be able to adapt in this ever-changing environment if they want to survive in the highly belligerent world of today. For all these reasons, Systems Analysis continues to play a key role, and researchers are trying constantly to find new ways to make it even more efficient in the future.
Friday, March 29, 2019
History And Contributions Of Helicopters History Essay
narrative And Contributions Of Helicopters History EssayThe chopper has earned a stout reputation as a workhorse for the myriad of tasks that they bottomland perform. The ability of circuit wing aircraft to be able to non just disappear in forward and empty but to remain stationary in flight has helped Ameri tidy sum airmanship in both(prenominal) the civilian and soldiery machine realms. Tasks that would deplete previously undeniable many more resources to complete or put additional workers at an increased risk have now been placed in the choppers lap. roofy wing atmosphere may be young in practicable applications but the technology is not reinvigorated. American aviation would be augment not by space age marvels but from technology establish off of an ancient encounter.HistoryGe HongIt is thought that the set-back less(prenominal)on of a man-made rotary wing device dates back to ancient China. Around 400BC a man by the name of Ge Hong had observe how a sycamore seed fell to the fundament in a circular fashion. Using the sycamore seed as inspiration he built a toy called the bamboo dragonfly. It was a crude rotor organization that featured feathers attached to a center stick. When spun in the hand the travel would convey the toy up and out of the put doners hands (Gibbs-Smith, 1962 Samuels, 2006).Leonardo da VinciThe next major instance of rotary wing approach pattern comes from the storied artist Leonardo da Vinci. In 1483 da Vinci had figed what was called the celestial screw (Samuels, 2006). Though it is not believed to have been built, the institution for this crude eggbeater did incorporate an onboard power unit (Gibbs-Smith, 1962). Some of his writings would go on to highlight the importance of some of the aspects of red-brick aerodynamics we understand immediately center of gravity, center of pressure, and streamlining (Aerospace The Flight of Dis bulk braggyy, 1992).Sir George CayleySir George Cayley, cognise as the father of modern aerodynamics, had likewise studied the normal of choppers. Cayley had designed and built an unpowered helicopter glider that did fly, albeit only a few feet (Tucker, 2010). This was done using a design based upon an earlier helicopter toy created by Frenchmen Launoy and Bienvenu which took their design ultimately from those ancient Chinese toys (Gibbs-Smith, 1962). He felt that the original design could be perfected. His recent designs would feature counter-rotating blades to help with the torque produced by a private rotor (Seddon, Newman, Seddon, 2011) Sir George Cayley has been credited as stating To be of ordinary make use of, they flying machines must(prenominal) be capable of landing at any place where there is space to receive them, and of asc stopping pointing again from that point (Gibbs-Smith, 1962). This would sum up precisely what helicopters should and would do.Igor SikorskyNext we jump ahead to the 1930s with Russian immigrant Igor Sikorsky. S ikorsky had already established himself in aircraft design and facial expression through the S-38 clipper hydroplane utilise extensively by Pan American Airlines as come up as various another(prenominal) designs (Ingram Stansell, 2010). He had dreamed for a recollective conviction of creating a rotary wing aircraft and had studied Leonardo da Vincis designs (Turner, 2000). A German designer had created the introductory manned powered helicopter but it would be Sikorsky that would make the start-off mass produced design (Seddon, Newman, Seddon, 2011). His VS-300 would be the first of Sikorskys helicopters and through military support would become the R-4, a design using a single main rotor and a single tail rotor (Turner, 2000 Aerospace The Flight of Disc everyplacey, 1992). Designs previous to this had two main rotors in tandem in order to counteract torque generated by a single rotor (Ingram Stansell, 2010). The Sikorsky R-4 would be one of the first designs to be use in a theater of war. The U.S. Army and British Army would use them towards the end of WWII for preservation of downed aircrew in the Burma theater (Turner, 2000 Tucker, 2010).Civilian ApplicationsWe have seen how the modern design of helicopters progressed from simple toy to complex flying machine. The jinni was out of the bottle and the capabilities were not lost on civil aviation in the U.S. The civilian populace has seen the helicopter use from rescue to construction work and agricultural use. It has helped to save countless lives and increase companies profits alike.medical and LifesavingThe medical field has used the helicopter extensively in life-saving ambulance duties. With the entrance of helicopters first responders could now reach the scene of an accident in less time than a cornerstone based ambulance. It would also allow rescuers to ingress empyreans that are either too remote or too nonadjacent (Chandrakanth Bangalore, 2011). A good example of this would be med ical rescues from offshore oil color rigs (Ozdamar, 2011). These air ambulances would carry all necessary lifesaving equipment to treat hurt patients enroute to the infirmary for further care. Over the last few decades the number of helicopters being utilise for civilian air ambulance has increased to nearly 900 (Chandrakanth Bangalore, 2011). This increase in re interpreteree time allows more lives slope through rapid treatment during what is cognise as the golden hour (Chandrakanth Bangalore, 2011). This is the critical time for a trauma patient to receive advanced care and surgical intervention to preclude long-term damage to vital organs (Golden hour, 2009).Besides carrying patients onboard the helicopter, it can also be engaged to carry supplies for disaster relief on an away commitment hook. This can allow a greater amount of needful supplies, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as vaccines, to reach those in need than a grime vehicle can. This is especially true if th e roads to access the disaster area are impassable (Ozdamar, 2011).Cargo LiftingIt is from this external cargo capability where civilian aviation gains great use. Construction firms have used helicopters to aid in building construction where cranes might not be optimum or even off possible. Igor Sikorsky again saw the potential of the helicopter in the cargo lifting design and designed what would become the crane helicopter or Skycrane (McKenna).During a dissertation Sikorsky would mention the need for a helicopter of this checkicular eccentric person to institutionalize items that when preassembled were too bulky to merchant marine by other means. His project was to be able to deliver items that were preassembled and ready to use thereby irate down the overall construction time required (McKenna). One chance that showcases the need for helicopters, as well as those with cargo capabilities, would be in December of 1967. A Chevron offshore oil rig see an emergency and requi red a replacement 8,000 pound hydraulic nerve be delivered to restart operations. At the time the weather was foul and would not permit normal sea-bound delivery (which on a normal day could take up to 26 hours). Within 22 minutes a Skycrane had delivered the much needed pump and restored operations which in turn saved Chevron financially (McKenna).Utility CompaniesThe electrical utility industry would use the unique capabilities of the helicopter but not for its cargo capability. Electric companies would enamour the helicopter to perform daunting criminal maintenance on high-power lines. The Tennessee valley Authority, which contains a seven-state usefulness territory and over 17,000 miles of power lines, has used helicopters for electrical line maintenance and inspection, setting poles, and stringing wire (Herring Feerst, 2005). This availability helps to reduce maintenance times and costs using minimal crew. This is critical especially in times of severe weather when need ing to inspect and repair power lines. The TVA can get maintenance teams, with tools, to any spot on the line in quicker time than a truck and give the electrician a more stable platform to work from at height (Herring Feerst, 2005). tillageFarmers have used aircraft from an early start to help control their crops. through the use of crop dusting bring forthers were able to keep pests from consuming crops and destroying a of import source of income. Crop dusting would also be used to fertilize crops. air travel had been seen as a time saver in that an airplane could cover a greater area in less time than a traditional machine. Helicopters would enable furthestmers to have even greater and more even coverage when spraying crops thank to the ability to hover and enter tight, confined areas (Aerospace The Flight of Discovery, 1992). The downwash created by a helicopters rotor system would be the fall upon to an even distribution of chemicals. With this the chemicals would be di spersed more evenly to allow the underside of plant leaves. Another of the advantages given a helicopter over an airplane is that a helicopter can refill at the farm without having to make a return trip to an airfield, thus saving time (Aerospace The Flight of Discovery, 1992).Military ApplicationsThe U.S. military has always looked for what the next great artillery unit can be. The helicopter was certainly one of those. Almost as soon as Igor Sikorsky produced the R-4 in quantity the U.S. military has found ways to implement them to great success. Much like their civilian counterparts the military helicopter has been used in lifesaving, transportation of personnel and cargo, but also with a virgin combat role. The helicopter gunship has become an indispensable tool in the U.S. militarys arsenal. health check EvacuationBefore weapon technology advanced and military planners knew what helicopters authentically could accomplish they were being used as a rescue platform. Towards t he end of WWII the U.S. used the Sikorsky R-4 to rescue flyers that were downed in the water or in other hard to reach areas in the Burma theater (Turner, 2000). This was normally accomplished through the use of PBY-4 Catalina seaplanes. The R-4 helicopter could get to those pilots that were in the dense jungle or near a coastline. This capability would devolve the amount of time that both the downed flyer and the rescue aircraft were subject to engagement or capture by the competitor. Also in 1944 an R-4 (belonging to the Coast Guard) helped to deliver blood plasma to sailors wounded during an explosion aboard a U.S. Navy destroyer (Seddon, Newman, Seddon, 2011).From these moments in the fall days of WWII the helicopter would always be seen as a method acting of saving lives on the appointmentfield. During the Korean War a Bell design would earn the moniker of Angel of Mercy. The Bell H13 (Bell 47) was utilized extensively to rescue wounded soldiers from the battlefield and de liver them to Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (Seddon, Newman, Seddon, 2011 Driscoll, 2001). convey largely to the use of helicopters the mortality rate during the Korean War was 2.4%, the lowest to date for any major war (Driscoll, 2001).From the WWII, to present day conflicts helicopters are still widely used by the U.S. military for medical excretory product contributing to continued low mortality rates. The Bell H13 would be replaced by the Bell UH-1 Huey and eventually the Sikorsky H-60 series.Cargo and Utility HelicoptersThe Korean War was the first war where the U.S. military found widespread use for the helicopter. The helicopter would be used for artillery spotting and observation giving the observer a better view of the battlefield for calling in artillery support. impertinent the fixed wing counterpart the helicopter could loiter for longer and endure from bases close set(predicate) to the frontline (Samuels, 2006 Tucker, 2010).Ground based combat units would come t o utilize helicopters to transport not only personnel but much needed equipment by helicopter. With the use of helicopters ground commanders could reach areas previously unreachable through ground transportation or at least risk to lose costful resources in effort. Helicopters could airlift artillery pieces to hilltops to quickly aid in ground support from high ground or deliver troops far behind enemy lines (Samuels, 2006).The war in Vietnam would become largely known as a helicopter war due to the extensive use of helicopters to wage war. It was from this war that much of modern rotary wing war doctrine was derived. Though the U.S. Marine Corps had first pioneered airmobile helicopter warfare during the Korean War it wouldnt be until the Vietnam War that this practice was employed in a wide spread fashion (Tucker, 2010). Cargo would follow about behind. Helicopters that were designed with cargo transport as a primary representation were entering the scene for much the same rea son. In order to deliver crucial supplies to remote locations in substantial quantity the U.S. would use helicopters such as the CH-54 Tarhe (Sikorsky Skycrane), UH-34 Choctaw, SH-3 Sea King, CH-47 Chinook, and its smaller cousin the CH-46 Sea Knight (Tucker, 2010 Polmar, 2012). The CH-54 had a payload capacity of upwards of 20,000 pounds depending on the model (McKenna). Heavy lift helicopters could deliver artillery, light ice chests, or even bridges to the frontlines. Very comminuted was beyond the capability of the CH-54 (McKenna). To demonstrate the versatility of cargo aircraft the U.S. Navy utilized first the UH-34 then later the SH-3 for retrieval of crewmembers from the ocean as well as retrieval of NASAs Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space capsules after re-entry and splashdown (Polmar, 2012).GunshipThe Vietnam War also saw the first uses of the gunship in combat. In previous wars the close combat support role was left to low flying propeller airplanes. The U.S. military f ound that helicopters could be a weapons platform given the ability to hover or channelize in confined spaces without needing an improved airfield to conduct operations. Initially the U.S. military would use existing airframes such as the Bell UH-1 and attach sickish armament such as rockets and grenade launchers. Though crude it proved the gunships worth and would lead to development of more advanced purpose built gunships such as the Bell AH-1 Cobra, the first attack helicopter (Tucker, 2010). So measurable and versatile was the AH-1 Cobra that the U.S. Marine Corps still utilizes the Cobra today. It has gone through several(prenominal) avionics pull aheads to meet current military aviation demands (Update on Cobra-Huey upgrade program, 1996).As technology advanced, with it too was the gunship. Using lessons learned from Vietnam the military looked for a new attack helicopter with even more capabilities. One of the early designs was the AH-56 Cheyenne. It could fly over 200 kn ots while carrying TOW anti-tank rockets and a 30mm cannon. It would also utilize advanced targeting systems. Ultimately this program would be cancelled in part to budget constraints (Prouty Yackle, 1992). The next gunship to be developed and used to this day would be the Boeing AH-64 Apache. It can fly 180mph, up to 1,100 miles in range, and carry 2.75 inch rockets, hellfire anti-tank missiles, and a 30mm cannon (Aerospace The Flight of Discovery, 1992). This airframe would become a flying tank killer.chairwomanial mission and the ospreyOne mission that showcases how important rotary wing aviation has become to the U.S. was the decision to use helicopters to transport the President of the United States, the First family, and other members of government. The U.S. Marine Corps squadron HMX-1 has largely used the VH-60N, and the VH-3D (Corps unveils new presidential helicopter, 2005). Both of these were modified from existing airframes in service in the military to serve in Very Imp ortant somebody missions. The U.S. Marine Corps has looked into replacing their current fleet of presidential helicopters with the MV-22 Osprey (Sanborn, 2011).The Osprey is already currently in use with the U.S. Marine Corps. This new airframe blurs the line between airplane and helicopter through use of large tilting engines and rotors. The MV-22 can start as a helicopter with the engines rotated vertically and mid-flight rotate the engines horizontal to fly as an airplane. This allows the Osprey great versatility in regards to areas of operation and mission types (Hanifen, 1995). The U.S. Marine Corps can use this airframe to transport cargo and equipment much like an airplane or cargo helicopter or insert a larger number of troops compared to the modernised UH-1 still in use by the U.S. Marines (Hanifen, 1995 Update on Cobra-Huey upgrade program, 1996). The U.S. Air Force has kept an eye on the Osprey as a contender for use as a combat seek and rescue platform as part of its C SAR-X program thanks to its capabilities (Rotorcraft report, 2009). heavyset and ConclusionHelicopter design started with humble beginnings as a toy in ancient China. Through the ages it has progressed to be a vital part of both civil and military applications. It has served in as many roles as the pioneers of the field can think of them. Countless lives have been saved by use of helicopters. Stranded mountain climbers and hikers or even people disjunct due to natural disasters have come to expect rescue as a norm when before helicopters they would have been left to their own for survival.The U.S. military has seen helicopters as a vital tool to bring the war to the enemy regardless of terrain. With them the military can press the attack from a closer distance bearing powerful weaponry and just as substantially ensure wounded receive critical care in a timely manner. Mortality rates are at their lowest thanks in part to the ability to transport wounded quickly from the battle to t he hospital. Next on the horizon are unmanned aircraft to do those missions deemed dull, dirty, or dangerous. The hover capability of unmanned helicopters lends itself to observation, attack, or resupply missions without exposing crews to unnecessary risk. Same can be said for any utility companies that join in the project. engage of unmanned helicopters for wire inspection or even police duties would decrease the work hour cost while maintaining the same workload.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Age of Reason Essay -- Enlightenment
An Age of ReasonThose who shtup make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. This brief honorable mention was spoken by the famous writer and philosopher Voltaire I believe it mistily points out that some people are full of absurd ideas, and for others to determine such nonsense is foolish. The quote is solely a taste of Voltaires wisdom and knowledge of the area, during the Age of Reason. The Age of Reason or The attainment is defined as a change in not just a way of thinking, but an establishment of values and rational actions. base on Immanuel Kants essay What is discernment? it is the freedom to use ones have intelligence (Strathern 63). prudence thinkers believed in the powers of humankind and saw themselves as divide of a revolutionary development in history that would replace credulity and tired rituals and corrupt traditions bodily fluidh reason and productive energy. However, intelligence and freedom 2 words that express what I believe to be the main ideas of the Enlightenment and such ideas were recognized through two significant people Voltaire and Jefferson.To begin, the outset figure of the Enlightenment would be Francois Marie Arouet aka Voltaire. He was born in Paris, and he was known as one of the greatest writers and philosophers for the French. However, the French during his time period of time did not wish it so, because Voltaire had a furor for philosophical rationalism and this passion was fueled after he was exiled from France and went to England. Previous the exile, he was also locked in the Bastille for insulting a French noble-man. Voltaire was a man of sharp wit and high valued opinions, because of this trait he often got into trouble. However, it was because of this trait and a p... ... was a complex movement, that is recognized in todays world perspective as the source of our modern secular worldview form our ideas of phantasmal toleration, individual liberty and free speech to the practices o f our representative government, and unregulated fat development.Works Cited1.Brians, Paul. The Enlightenment. Washington State University, 2000. Web. 2.Coates, Robert Eyler. Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government. Jefferson Parish, LA University of Virginia, 1995. Web. 3.Gray, John. Voltaire The Great Philosophers. New York Routledge, 1999. Print.4.Strathern, Paul. Kant in 90 Minutes. Chicago Ivan R. Dee, 1996. Print.5.Staloff, Darren. Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson The politics of the Enlightenment And The American Founding. New York Hill and Wang. 2005. Print.
Boston forced busing :: essays research papers
capital of Massachusetts Against Busing Race, Class and Ethnicity in the sixties and seventiesThe book Boston Against Busing Race, Class and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s written by Ronald P. Formisano examines the opposition of court-ordered desegregation through forced busing. The antecedent comes to the conclusion that the expose surrounding integrating is a far more complex issue than just racism that enveloped the southern half of the dry land during this time period. Formisano argues that there were broader elements including a class struggle, sinlessness backlash and right populism that contributed to the emotions of those involved.Formisano is persuasive in his arguments that the Boston anti-busing movement was a led by grass-root insurgents from the dominate Irish-Catholic working-class neighborhoods in South Boston. These protesters felt that their tight ruck up existence was being threatened by the rich, suburban liberals whose children were not realized by th e enforcement of the busing. The author points out that it was an issue of pureness resistance instead than racism that played a role in the violence of the protests. I believe that this is a contradictory statement. What Formisano calls white resistance is the violent chemical reaction to the Page 2movement of African American students into predominantly white neighborhood school days and the mixing of two separate but legally cope with peoples. Is the rock throwing at buses carrying elementary age children, stabbings at South Boston High School and riots on the streets outside the schools affected by the integration any different from the U.S. Army escorting nine African American students into school in Little Rock, Arkansas? The author skirts around the central issue of racism by calling it a class struggle at heart the white population of Boston during the 1960s and 1970s. Formisano discuses the phenomenon known as white flight, where great numbers of white families left th e cities for the suburbs. This was not sole(prenominal) for a better lifestyle, but a way to distance themselves from the African Americans, who settled in northern urban areas following the second not bad(p) Migration.Throughout the text Formisano ignores the voices of who I believe play a draw role in the forced busing era the students involved and the African Americans from double-u Roxbury. His primary focus is on the Irish of South Boston, the school delegation members including the most vocal opponent Louise Day Hicks and the white politicians and judges who implemented the busing. This leaves the work a bit unbalanced and does not give premier(prenominal) hand accounts of what the students felt.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Water is My Safe Haven Essay -- Personal Narrative, Descriptive Essay
Water is My Safe oasisEveryone, once in their life, searches for a perpetrate or thing to die away and to be by themselves for awhile. When they find this place or thing, it provides them with the comfort, stability, and go bad-up-and-go they may need. It preempt be a library, the outdoors, a car, the front porch, or even a swimming puddle, where they tint the safest, the most comfortable, or feel like all their burdens, all of their worries may be washed away. For me that place is the water system a river, a lake, a b severally, a swimming pool, wheresoever there is water, thats where Ill be. I was always afraid of the water. I was always afraid to leave the edge of the pool and to swim dispatch in the middle. The pool was a big place where water was on all sides, it was stronger than me, and it intimidated me. Swimming for me was like a dog paddling the water. It was hard, and I was a young and confused on the mechanics of swimming. I can repute universe thrown in the pool very often, that being a tactic my Mother used to get me to swim. It worked sometimes hardly other times I needed assistance. I can remember when I joined the swim team as a freshmen in high school. I wanted to get over my fear of water and wanted to learn how to swim. Goggles in hand, swim cap tightly fitted on my head. My legs shaking. The smell of freshly applied sunscreen coming by my pores. Beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. Nervousness overpowering my body. I was scared. This was it, Id have to swim. No more holding on walls. A big pool surrounded by walls, a diving board, and 13 feet of water. There was no way I was backing out. The question was could I do it? I got into the pool. It was cool against my warm skin. Lilies floated by. Bugs buzzed... ... me. It created this big barrier from the impertinent world we were one. I treaded the water afraid of letting go of the wall, and I swam to the middle of the pool. My brother raced towards me and we swam together. I was getting tired of swimming to and from each wall, but I was having fun. We decided to take a break. We pulled ourselves out of the pool from the side. Relief had overpowered us as we lay our cool bodies on the lively concrete. The heat began to warm us up so we decided to get back in. That was a day where my brother and I felt as if we were really kids. Wild and adventurous, loving the water. The water was my place of comfort outdoor(a) of my grandparents home. I couldnt take Mississippi with me to California, but wherever I went, there would ultimately be water, and I could always take that with me, Id always have a piece of Oxford, Id always have water.
Tendon from Different Anatomical Positions Essay -- Anatomy, Tissues
Structure of a brawn is made up of collagenous tissue papers, a fibrous protein constituted as a large portion of the organic matrix of bone and gristle (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). Also termed extracellular matrix (ECM) consisting of few cells, 20% of cellular solid is occupied as total tissue volume, whilst 80% accounts for extracellular matrix (approximately 70% water and 30% solids) (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). Contained inside these solids is a ground resembling mettle with minor components of elastin. Due to the dense interrelation tissue of collagen it is adequate to(p) to sustain stability over which the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system requires. This may be in the form of fibril, whereby, collagen molecules (type 1 collagen) are synthesized and secreted by fibroblasts (France , 2010). Procollagen is organize and further condensed to tropocollagen as the basic building block of collagen (France , 2010).Across the correspond network leading to the development of fib ril cross-links are formed within collagen type 1. The cross-links allow tissues to withstand strength and function under robotlike stress (Fratzl, 2008). The solids within the extracellular contain ground like substance proteoglycans (PG). PG molecules binds extracellular water of the tendons, ensuring the matrix is a hydrated-gel like material (Nordin & Frankel, 2001). thereby the substance acts as an adhesive between microfibrils in bundles stabilizing collagenous tissue forming connective tissue fascicles (appendix, figure 1). The functionality of tendons can be denotative by its materialization primarily to transmit force from muscle to bone. During any(prenominal) form of movements the tendons encounter forces such as longitudinal, transversal and rotational (Kannus, 200... ...llagen tissue cross-links across maturation revealing the number of cross-links decreased with growth. This suggests that a verbalise of maturation cross-links are stabilsed to a non-reducible fo rm (Robins et al, 1973).When stress is placed on tendons tissue must adapt to stiffen and strengthen in solvent to the physical demands placed on them. Physical training during eccentric forces has been ground to increase tensile strength of the tendons (Woo et al, 1981). Long periods of inactivity can cut out the parallel structure of collagen fibers in the tendons, decrease water content, although increase collagen cross-linking (Loitz et al, 1989). The collagen perturbation increases although reports suggest the amount of tendon components and overall mass is unchanged. Ultimately immobilization decreases tendon stiffness, failure load and strength (Matsumoto et al, 2003).
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Benefits and Risks of Breast Augmentation Essay -- Breast Implant
The Benefits and Risks of front AugmentationEvery day women ar bombarded with images of beautiful models with thin figures and huge rope dresser. In striving to achieve the ?ideal? body type women are altering their bodies cosmetic surgery has increased enormously in the retiring(a) few age. Breast augmentation alone has increased 500% since 1992. What are the benefits of having greathearted voluptuous breasts? Do the benefits overweigh the risks?There are two main types of breast implants. One is modify with silicone gel and the former(a) is filled with saline (sterile salt water) twain of these implants have an outer silicone shell. Prior to 1991 both types of implants were approved by the FDA, only if in April of 1992 silicone filled implants were curb by the FDA to patients with needs of reconstruction, replacement of deformities, and replacement of ruptured silicone-gel filled implants that were used for augmentation. saline filled implants are currently approved by the FDA for women 18 years old or older desiring breast augmentation and for reconstruction in women of exclusively ages.The restriction on silicone filled implants was provoked by the veneration that the leaking of silicone gel could be detrimental to the body in the brass that an implant ruptured. By contrast, a saline filled implant would solo release salt water in to the body. However saline filled implants are not completely risk free. An implant is a external object in your body thus the body grass and typically does form scar tissue around it. This scar tissue can squeeze and harden the implant causing it to rupture. The tightening and squeezing is called capsular contracture and may cause hardening of the breast, flux of the skin, and changes in breast shape... ...not scientifically proven, many health risks may arise from breast implants. Such risks include rupture of implants, loss of sensation, inability to breast feed, hardening of breast tissue, rippling of the skin, and interference in the detection of breast cancer. There are other ways to enhance a woman?s breast but in the end it is her decision as to what route she wants to take. BibliographyCalifornia or Bust. Author Wallace, Amy. solution Los Angeles Magazine V. no 1 (Jan 2002) P 40-45saline solution Breast Implants Stay on Market as Experts Warn near Risks. Author Linda Bren. Source FDA Consumer 34 no4 Jl/Ag 2000 P 9-11Implanting Fear. Author B. D. Daniel & Michael Weiss. Source National Review v47 P50 O 9 1995Breast Surgeries Experiencing High inflation Rates. Author Judith Messina. Source Crain?s New York Business v18 no14 P4, 34 Ap 8-14 2002
Free Narrative Essays - Killing Ourselves with Work :: Example Personal Narratives
Killing Ourselves with Work Americans are cleanup spot themselves with pop mutilate. Americans often are intermission deprived, stressed and have problems at home. completely of this are most probably caused from over working. I think sleep deprivation is a major problem in the United States. It mustiness make sense that if an American is over working he/she can non peradventure get in the minimum of six hours sleep. Being a college schoolchild myself, I often see over worked students sleep through class. These students work and are pressured to keep up good grades. I often here student telling me that they got in about four hours of sleep. If at a college students age, they are sleep deprived, its logical to think that by the time they fall upon thirty they will be doing double the workload. Americans are only if not saving themselves from over working. No labor has been saved, says Juliet B. Schor.&nbs p To me, being sleep deprived is closely like a vicious cycle get up for a long sidereal day of work, college, family keep, or whatever it may be, then passel get 5 hours sleep if theyre lucky. By the time the next day comes, theyre simply too tired to function from what I have witnessed you simply get students taking naps in class - not learning some other problem with Americans over working is the massive stress levels. For some(prenominal) pot work alone is often a main source of stress. I know my mom is under a lot of stress to do the house work, spend time with her family and work. According to Schor, mothers reported it caused either a lot or an extreme level of stress. To me, this is killing yourself with work. Wheres the fun to life? When do we take those relaxing holidays to release stress? Although workers have the picking to take a few weeks leave for vacation, Im hardly convinced many Americans do this . Especially for a married couple, getting time off at the same time must not be an blue-blooded task. Two-earner couples have less time together, says Schor. Consequently, this must cause a not bad(p) deal of stress for any couple. Exhaustion is another symptom of stress. many another(prenominal) Americans seem to be exhausted at the end of the day.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Saddam Hussein :: Iraq Rulers War Society Saddam Hussein Essays
Throughout the last thirty years, many of the people of Iraq have been tortured, laboured to relocate their families numerous times, arrested and murdered. Those who stood against Saddam Hussein were punished, in most cases by death. All of this happened under the control of Suddam and we have neither found, nor has he offered a sound explanation for his actions. By the early 80s, hundreds of thousands of citizens were deported to Iran. And even this instant people argon still being repressed, persecuted and denied their human rights. He does non merit to live so luxuriously, while his people are end from malnutrition and lack of checkup attention. He does non deserve the political precedent that he has aquired by having people killed and forcing others to resign their authority to him. What he does deserve is a fair trial for the many war crimes he has act and for being responsible for an unknown, yet large number of assacinations of innocent people. As a result of the Gulf War in 1991, the United Nations has oblige sanctions on Iraq to limit their ability to make more weapons of mass final stage (WMD). These sanctions are based on an crude oil-for-food system. Iraq can export limited amounts of oil to buy food and medical supplies only. Hussein is using less than the confirming amount of money easy for humanitarian purposes for buying the much essential medical supplies. Instead, he has used it to buy extremely expensive medical equipment that is rarely used. And as if he is not wealthy enough, every calendar month he smuggles oil out of Iraq that is worth millions of dollars, which goes straight toward his personal expense pleasures. He has built monuments and palaces for himself instead of meeting the necessary health and sanitary needs of his people. It is bad enough that he has terrorized his own people, but he goes crawling to the press saying that the U.N. needs to lift its sanctions because his people are in such a desperate need of help . He acts (for the cameras) as if he actually is doing everything in his power to help the people that he so deeply cares about. Fortunately, the little games that he has played with the media have not fooled too many people. The truth about his past and current crimes is available to any person who that has access to the internet.
Landmines :: Nuclear War Weapons Essays
LandminesThe affirmable use of weapons of mass destruction much(prenominal) as nuclear bombs, biological and chemical weapons, terrorizes us, as it force out keep up catastrophic repercussions if they were to be in the hands of terrorists. One of the reasons behind our fear is that no matter where we ar in the world can we tomorrow suffer from the use of such weapons, and are in no place completely safe, as we have seen with the catastrophe of September 11, 2001. Yet there exists many new(prenominal) weapons that can be used to harms civilians, from which we are less conscious about since they tangle witht affect us. The result of the use of landmines, for example has been horrendous in many third world countries, hurting many non-military personnel, even at a time a booking between tow nations has been resolved. They have been implanted on the battlefield of more than 70 countries in the world, and are still existence built by some of the most powerful nations such as Rus sia, China or the United States. The first known description of a pressure-activated landmine was by the German military historian Frieherr Von Flemming in 1726, but such mines were not comm besides used in warfare until the Second world War. It has been accounted that more than 300 million mines were deployed between 1939 and 1945. In the first single-valued function of the war mines were solely used as a device to restitution enemy tanks. Yet, one of the problems with Anti-Tank (AT) mines of the time was that they were easily removed and re-used by the other side, so Anti-Personnel (AP) were created to solve this problem. They were deployed around AT mines to prevent their removal. Originally, both AT and AP landmines were developed as tactical, defensive weapons. They were intended to protect troops, military bases, and central installations like power plants and water supplies. After the Second World War, with the advances in technology the landmines became an offensive weap on. Mines in the 1960s could be simply launched from an airplane, and would only activate once on the ground, thus making it possible to acquit more mines from the air than if placing them on the ground. Not only this would allow mines to be placed in a war zone in a much greater frequency, but until now, each mine that was placed was put down and mapped, in order to be able to remove it once the conflict was over.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Islam in the Era of Globalization Essay -- Outsourcing, Offshoring, Fre
A primary question imposes itself. Do we muslims represent an umma in the contemporary universe?What is meant by the question is not the umma as known in the policy-making geography asa nation recognized by international law, but the umma is meant here(predicate) as a concept of universal communal based on self awareness of the concerned entity about its identity on side, and the bridal of the distinctive identity of the muslims on the other side.Muslims are supposed to be a doctrinal or ideological universal comm superstar, united through with(predicate) the entire world by their faith in thinking, feeling and action. They only believe in and they are all committed to Islam and its values of doing faithful and spreading it. However the concrete reality is that natural barriers such as geography and ethnicity in addition to semipolitical, economic and cultural barriers, under colonialism and extend colonial geological era shake up obstructed the supposed unity of the umma .Nevertheless, the challenges and dangers muslims have been facing in the contemporary world ought to revitalize the awareness of unity and integrity of the muslim communal body.From another angle, the entire world is witnessing an era of globalism through its speedy communications, and transportations with all its negatives and its positives. This may be an opportunity for the muslims to crucify the barriers and gain some kind of unity at least in their thinking and feelings. The negatives of globalism may add to the challenges, which they must face together ,within the expressage effective armament muslims may have in the contemporary world. tang as ane UmmaWe have to feel genuinely as one umma in a rational mature well organized direction so that our relationships work together in coordination and harmony within oneself. Muslims do not live in a vacume. They live in a world full of people with various backgrounds. An umma consciousness ought not to suck or negate other muslim existential relations in the contemporary world. Islam being the message of The Lord of the Universe-allows and urges constructive natural relations between muslims and whomever they come across for whatever legitimate purpose. through Islam we must make the best of our potential abilities. The identity of the muslim case-by-case, aggroup and umma can be perceived and universally recognized through truthfulness, veracity and helpfulness rather than throu... ...ily, freedom of faith and religion health , education, political and socio-economic rights. They should be unhesitant supporters of religious and ethnic minorities and all victims of oppression and exploitation.ConclusionIt goes without manifestation that each country with a muslim majority should be a role model for defending and securing human rights.We as an Umma have a long way to go through in order to corroborate itself within itself and the complex contemporary world. Whatever the long way it starts with a few s teps in the right direction.Let us devise ourselves as an umma in the right direction with regards to feeling, thinking and acting, starting from individual groups and going through the whole umma.Deeds should represent our ideals ,since they are the obvious and concrete expression of our identity ,beliefs, and concepts.Europe fostered in modern times an political orientation of nationalism and the struggle for it has been able to provide during the recent decades the Euro-community as an teach , conceptual and practical model of persistent hard worked for unity.Analysis of an bind written by DR. Hameed Anwar in "Islam Today" published 1998
Christopher Columbus Essay -- Christopher Columbus Essays
On October 12, 1492, two worlds unknown to each other met for the first conviction on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. While on a voyage for Spain in search of a direct sea itinerary from Europe to Asia, Christopher capital of Ohio accidentally discovered the Americas. However, in four enjoin voyages to the Caribbean from 1492 to 1504, he remained convinced that he had found the lands that Marco Polo reached in his overland travels to mainland China at the end of the 13th century. To Columbus it was only a issuing of time before a passage was found through the Caribbean islands to the cities of Asia. Columbus was not the first European to reach the Americas Vikings from Scandinavia had briefly settled on the North American coast, in what is now Newfoundland, Canada, in the late tenth or early 11th century. Ho...
Saturday, March 23, 2019
How John Donne Showed His Love Essay -- essays research papers fc
How John Donne Showed his LoveJohn Donne&8217s song has been both ridiculed and praised. One reasonfor the ridicule is due to the fact that many people believe his work is vulgar,and his discussion of sex may search improper to round people. Even in thismodern age nigh people may find it a bit offensive. You can see whatpeople thought of it in the sixteenth century. His discussion of sex in this&8220disgusting manner is more obvious and prevalent in his early work, season hestill had many female acquaintances and before he was colonised down with hiswife. Donne eloped with his underage humpr Anne More which in itself was a black event. Her father, Sir George More, objected to their marriage. Her father was so irritated he had John thrown in jail for marrying a minorwithout parental consent. Though the couple went through many hardshipsthey loved each other very deeply (Grolier multimedia Encyclopedia). Thewords in Donne&8217s song after the marriage only if proved that fa ct. After theirmarriage the words in his poetry showed a more emotional side of Doone, youcould sense the feeling of true love through the words. The way he spokeabout the love he and his wife shared during this time shows it was muchmore then upright sexual, and the sex was much more meaningful. After thedeath of his wife in 1617, Donne was devastated and although he had alreadybeen involved in the church even fair an ordained minister for theChurch of England (Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia). His relationship withGod became stronger to the highest degree as a replacement for his one true love Anne. Attimes in his poetry it is even difficult to tell if he is talking about God or his lover. Whether you think Donne&8217s poetry is perverted or non one can hardly bawl hiswork anything but genius. He is after all considered to be the attracter of themetaphysical school of poets. As Herbert Grierson explains, MetaphysicalPoetry &8220has been inspired by a philosophical conception of the universe andthe rle assign to the human spirit in a great drama of existence (147-148). As Theodore Redpath illustrates &8220everywhere in the poems are to be foundinstances of rapid and knavish thinking (223). The wording which he usesin his poetry can be some what difficult to comprehend at times. Once it isunderstood, his emotions and feelings... ...ertaining to his wife, he loved her deeply. I sincerely believe the poems were written for her. It is also possible that he had extramarital relationships, which he most likely did. He loved his wife naught took her place. If he did have adulterous relationships it was just because they lusted each other and did not love each other. These adulterous relationships were entirely sexual. And that is what Bennett is trying to state. NeverthelessDonne&8217s poetry is very compelling, full of great metaphors and really gives youa sense what he is feeling. The feeling of love can be felt throughout, true love. whole shebang Cite dBennett, Joan. &8220The Love Poetry of John Donne. Donne 178-194.Donne, John. John Donne&8217s Poetry definitive Texts criticism. Ed. Arthur L.Clements. 2nded. New York and London Norton, 1992.Grierson, Herbert Sir. &8220Donne and Metaphysical Poetry. Donne 147-157.Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1996 Grolier Interactive Inc. MicrosoftEncarta 98 Encyclopedia, 1993-1997 Microsoft companionship Online.Internet. 19 March 1999. http//, Theodore. &8220The Songs and Sonnets. Donne 217-227.
Recidivism of Sex Offenders Essay -- Adult Sex Offender Recidivism
stir offenders overhear been a serious problem for our legal system at all levels, not to mention those who have been their victims. There are 43,000 inmates in prison for sexual offenses while each year in this coarse over 510,000 children are sexually assaulted(Oakes 99). The latter statistic, in its context, does not adopt the severity of the situation. Each year 510,000 children have their childhoods destroyed, possibly on more than than one occasion, and are faced with dealing with the assault for the rest of their lives. Sadly, more of those assaults are perpetrated by people who have already been through the punitory system exactly to victimize again. Sex offenders, as a tell apart of criminals, are nine times more likely to repeat their crimes(Oakes 99). This presents aproblem for the common, as potential victims, and the legal system which is entrusted by the public for protection. It would be irresponsible for the legal system to ignore the criminal split of sex offenders, for they are subject to a recurring physiological influence that requires the use of effective restraints that would curb the habitual repetition of episodes producing the harmful consequences to the public(Schopf 95). In light of this realization, steps beyond treatment have been taken to disgrace the recidivism rate of sex offenders. presentation laws, special supervising techniques by word officers, and both surgical and chemical castration are techniques used in various forms in this country and abroad with success. However, notification laws and both forms of castrationshave not come about without criticism on constitutional grounds. all criticism should take into account the extraordinary recidivism rates found only in the criminal class of the s... ...Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 15. pp. 279-290Martin, R. (1996). Pursuing Public Protection finished Mandatory Community Notification of Convicted Sex Offenders The Trials and Tribulations of Megans Law. The Boston Public entertain Law Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 29Oakes, S. (1999). Megans Law Analysis on Whether it is essential to Notify the Publicof Sex Offenders Via the Internet. The John Marshal Journal of figurer and Information LawSampson, E. (1999). Supervising Sex Offenders Alternatives to Incarceration, Bethpage, Vol. 5, pp.6-7Schopf, S. (1995). Megans Law Community Notification and the Constitution. Columbia Universtiy School Journal of Law and Social Problems, 29Seto, M. & Barbaree, H. (1999). Psychopathy, intercession Behavior, and Sex Offender Recidivism. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 14, pp.1235-1248
Friday, March 22, 2019
Marketing :: essays research papers
Hewlett-Packard/Compaq MergerIn 2002, the (HP/Compaq) optical fusion announcement was made by Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Compaq head Michael D. Capellas. If in fact the nuclear fusion goes through, it would be the largest merger in the computer industry history. Some may ask why this merger was so important to these companies. The truth of the matter is that both of these companies opinion that this merger give benefit their company not only at the present time but in the future also. Along with a huge merger like this one, there are some pros and cons that interact with a huge merger like this one. According to a quotation article these are some of the reasons why some may meet the merger and some reasons why some may oppose the merger Why to support the mergerThe new-made HP will experience the market leader in servers, storage, management software, printing and imaging, and PCs, improving our mightiness to offer the end-to-end solutions customers demand.We wi ll double our profitable and growing serve business, enhance our R&D efforts, and extend our customer reach in 160 countries.We will achieve annual cost savings of $2.5 billion, adding $5 to $9 in present revalue to each HP touch and increase earnings per share by 13% during the first twelvemonth following the merger.By improving profitability in enterprise reckoning systems, in PCs and access devices, and in IT services, we will have the financial metier to extend our successful imaging and printing franchise into new multi-billion horse categories like digital imaging and digital publishing.The closer you look, the more you will see that the merger of HP and Compaq is the single best way to sanction our businesses and improve our market position, deliver more of what our customers need, enhance opportunities for our employees, and increase the value of your investment.Why to oppose the mergerAcquiring market share does not translate to leadership, i.e., demonstrated better business model, technology innovation or success at winning business from competitors.Admission of no new significant technology/capabilities added to HPs portfolio. Significant overlap creates cost synergies which are startle by revenue losses from rationalized products and servicesLarge stock proceedings statistically more risky. Upon announcement of the proposed merger, Moodys downgraded HPs debt rating and put it on disallow watch, S&P has also put HP on ostracise outlookBigger, but in an unattractive business, commodity computing. Hardware as diminishing economies of scale and HP and Compaq already has significant scale.
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