Monday, September 30, 2019
Leadership in Health and Social Care Essay
Use and Develop systems that promote communication. Evidence: †¢ TC Refresher Training 25/06/13 †¢ Picture Hygiene Chart †¢ Aspergers Training Certificates †¢ Minuets from TC updates †¢ Various support plans (Stated Below) †¢ Pictures of TC boards †¢ Feelings chart for RL In the services that I manage there is a range of individuals with different communication barriers. In Rivendell one of the services, I have a gentleman SG with very poor hearing and no verbal communication. Myself and the team at the service use Signs, pictures, Symbols and Widgets to communicate with him. We also have a lady LW at the service who has very little verbal communication and what she does say is often in her own way of communicating which at first not everyone understands. She can hear but cannot always understand or take in everything that people say to her. She responds to the welsh language much better. We again use signs, pictures and widgets to communicate to LW. There is another gentleman there DB who can communicate and hear but can get easily distracted so Pictures also work well with DB. In Gwel Afon another service, I have 3 gentlemen who can read and communicate however they like to have pictures and symbols to help them with things. For example they have an accessible chore chart and I did make one gentleman a picture hygiene chart to prompt him to shower / shave etc on certain days as he would tend to forget. I also manage a service called Glanadl where two gentlemen live, they are both very independent and can speek for themselves. However one of these gentlemen cannot read so we do support him with this. I have two gentlemen in my services who have Aspergers, even though they can communicate they can sometimes struggle to understand what you are saying to them or take it the wrong way. As manager of these service I ensure that all of my employees have the correct training to support these individuals. All employees from Rivendell that use widget and TC have been on the Total Communications Training, they also receive a TC refresher every few months. I have assigned SW a support worker at the service to be a TC co-ordinator and he does a TC induction with all new starters before they go on their training. For employees that work with the two gentlemen with Aspergers I requested Aspergers training which was tailored around the two individuals and their communication in particular. I will have meetings with the Speech and Language department at C.T.L.D every few months to discuss the current Communication systems in place at Rivendell and review them. We are currently looking into getting IPAD’s at the service to improve communication as it was proven very beneficial in the trial the individuals had. When I took over as manager in the Rivendell service I felt that the communication systems could be improved. I worked with the team to improve the communication systems by getting more wigets around the service, we set up a TC board in individual bedrooms. We also set up a TC board in the hall way with activities on. When we received the timetable from the SAC for each individual it was all written out so none of the individuals would understand it. I asked my Team Developer at the service to re-do these timetables with the relevant symbols and pictures and these are working really well. The individual files of each persons support I manage are tailored to them, If they have communication barriers and respond well to pictures then we use pictures aswel as writing in their files so they can be involved in there support plans. See DB & SG support plans. Each individual has there own support plans and if they require support around communication there will be detailed support plans stating what support they need. See ML & LW Communication Support Plans.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
CRM Capabilities and the Customer Life Cycle Essay
Customer acquisition consists of the business processes in the CLC leading up to the customer moment, when consumers become customers . . . or not. This includes awareness generation, knowledge transfer, consideration, pre-sales, and evaluation. Capabilities include consumer surveys in business operations, tracking enterprise-wide customer interactions in business management, and market basket analysis in business intelligence. The enterprise clearly requires customer acquisition to maintain and expand revenues and profits. A business without nev. customer acquisition will shrink and eventually fail. But compared to customer retention amf expanding â€Å"share of customer†, customer acquisition can be expensive. I Expanding the â€Å"share of customer†is gaining the largest portion of acquisitions made by each individual customer in the global marketplace. The proportion of a customer’s move, that goes to a particular enterprise is known as the share of customer. Example capabilities include delivery of new information to a customer through business operations as the custome-, re-enters the CLC, taking advantage of cross-sell opportunities using business managerne7- capabilities, and identifying cross-sell opportunities through business intelligence capabilitie&. The benefits of expanding â€Å"share of customer†are similar to customer retentionâ€â€additional sales without the cost of acquiring a new customer. However, expanding the share of customer is as valuable as customer retention. Most companies find that their most profitable customer-, are the ones that spend the largest percentages of their budgets with the enterprise. For example, one bank recently identified that every one of their most profitable customers (the top 20 per cent) gave their business to the bank, while none of the least profitable custome7,: (the bottom 20 per cent) gave their business to the bank. What is new is the customer-cents_~ nature of applications, which means organizing CRM processes around the customer rathâ€â€, than marketing, sales, or any other internal function. Measurements and feedback from the customer enable improvements in the CRM process. The customer’s viewpoint becomes aF integral part of the process, allowing it to change with the customer’s needs. In other words. companies base their actions not on the priorities of functional fiefdoms, but on the over†72 corporate objective of providing customer satisfaction. However, before aggressively deploying CRM applications, managers might have to restructure customer-interaction processes. Functional and organizational structurei tend to compartmentalize the various activities that go into serving the customer. Such fragmentation prevents customer information from being dispersed far enough within the organization to be useful; in fact, it often stands in the way of efforts to build a relationship As a result, customized service is difficult and consequently, organizations tend to treat all customers the same – a damning impediment to building closer relationships. To counter fragmentation, leading-edge companies strive to take a more customer centred approach to CRM. There is a growing trend towards managing all the activities that ientify, attract, and retain customers in an integrated fashion, that is, managing them as a process that cuts across functional departments. By addressing these activities as a set of CRM processes, organizations can create end-to-end communications and performance accountability for entire sets of activities. In short, a CRM infrastructure is really a portfolio of process competencies.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
International Marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Marketing - Coursework Example d Fitch is among the organizations that have sought to venture into the international market, most notably in Europe, where different brands are made available in numerous outlets. For instance, the A&F brand is made available by the company through the experiential marketing policy, in which much emphasis is put on the sales outlets that are tasked with showcasing the brand values. This approach is seen as ideal in enabling the brand have a competitive edge over those provided by its competitors, since the brand offers the consumer a significant experience, as well as creating a brand community (Powers and Loyka, 2010). The company uses in-store experience as the marketing vehicle. Enhancing the product competitiveness and the general organizational profitability involves carrying out a situational analysis, where the company creates a clear knowledge of the respective markets, and eventually evaluates its importance for the company as well as for the other markets where the business operates. International business environment is more dynamic, competitive and complex, hence the need for the management to be knowledgeable of both the immediate situations and the potential impacts of the effected changes in the business area. The European market explored by the Abercrombie and Fitch Company could exhibit various similarities and dissimilarities, hence the need for the company to understand the implications and linkages of the marketing strategy changes in its brand operations. Modern companies have realized the need to target particular customers, since they cannot appeal to all buyers. The buyers are widely scattered and have varying needs and buying behaviors, making it inevitable for the companies to adopt different practices that include segmentation, differentiation, and positioning, in order to satisfy the specific customer needs and ensure their competitiveness and profitability in the market. The segmentation of A&F brand must take into consideration
Friday, September 27, 2019
Guerrilla marketing and advertising Dissertation
Guerrilla marketing and advertising - Dissertation Example erception of GM 4.2.3 Impact of GM on Consumers’ Intention to purchase 4.3.4 Impact of GM on Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour 4.3 Findings from the Interview of the Advertising Experts 4.3.1 Reasons for Using GM strategies 4.3.2 Some Examples of Successful GM Strategies 4.3.3 Success of GM for different types of Products 4.3.4 Strategies and Tactics that for Viral Marketing 4.3.5 Challenges of Using GM/VM 4.3.6 Advantages of Using GM/VM 4.3.7 Future Role and Trend for GM Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Summary of Research Findings and Conclusions 5.2 Research Limitations and Scope for Future Research. List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Reasons for Using GM strategies Figure A: Diagrammatic Representation of the Research Methodology Figure 1: Customers’ Awareness of GM Figure 2: Consumers’ Perception of GM as Aggressive Figure 3: Consumers’ Perception of GM as Aggressive Figure 4: Consumers’ Perception of GM as Creating Insights a bout Their Needs Figure 5: Consumers’ Perception of GM as Creating Awareness about New Products Figure 6: GM as Creating Awareness of Non-Advertised Products Figure 7: GM as creating more choices for customers Figure 8: Impact of GM on Consumers’ Intention to purchase Figure 9: Impact of GM on Consumers’ Purchase Behaviour List of Appendices Appendix A: Survey Research Questionnaire Appendix B: Interview Research Questionnaire References Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Research Background and Overview While a large amount of literature exists on the various advantages of Guerrilla marketing and also on the strategies and tactics related to this type of marketing, there has been little research on gauging the impact it has. Organizations indulge in viral marketing strategies with the objective of creating awareness for... This essay "Guerrilla marketing and advertising" outlines and analyzes the effect of the GM and its perception by the customers and the problems and opportunities that advertisers have with GM strategies. Guerilla marketing It is non-conventional as it does not confine itself to the regular media or channels of advertising and it uses content strategies that may be more creative or even bizarre. Guerrilla marketing, as it name indicates, largely draws parallels from the Guerrilla warfare strategies. In the case of Guerrilla warfare, the means of war are not straightforward and people do not fight by rules of conventional warfare. The element of surprise is used heavily to conduct short but highly forceful attacks on the opponents. In the same way, Guerrilla marketing follows the concept of surprise and taking the customer unguarded, and projecting the advertised content or message in a targeted manner when the customer least expects it or is least prepared to steal himself or herself against the impact (Tufel, 2004). The logic behind using the surprise element is that most customers being exposed to innumerous advertising messages throughout their day – through TV, the Internet, billboards, newspapers, pamphlets, in shop point of purchase displays etc. – are mostly able to immune themselves against these messages (Susca et al, 2008). There is too much clutter of advertising messages and customers can tune themselves out of the picture when plagued by a huge amount of information that impinges on their senses.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Management case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management case Study - Research Paper Example This paper will highlight some of these strategies and the possible outcome in its recommendation (Griffin) Zynga is a social gaming provider headquartered in San Francisco, California. The company develops social games that operate on mobile phone platform such as Apple iOS and android. In 2009 the company reached 10 million daily active users within six weeks (Abbey, 2009).The management of zynga need to put in place certain measure in order to double its customers and revenue. This case study will highlight the achievement of the company, and future planning to help the company compete favourably with others and stay afloat (Abbey, 2009). The company has a record of hitting 10million active daily users in the first six months, this is a great achievement but to maintain this number and even double them the management of the company need to put in place certain measures. This paper highlights some of the considerations that need to be put in place in order to achieve more. The company strength will rely mainly on formation of synergies with other companies where the synergy is the urge to form partnership relationship with other companies of similar goal and interest. There is positive and negative consequence of synergies and group cohesion needs to be considered. As a group become more cohesive, communication between members increases. In addition satisfaction increases as the group provides friendship and support against outside threat (Hitt & Jamie, 2007). There are negative aspects of group cohesion that affect the decision made by individual parties hence affecting group effectiveness. Issues may arise such as risk shift phenomenon, where there is a tendency of a group to make risky decision that an individual party would have handled. There may also be polarization, individual in a group can have moderate stance on an issue, and having discussed in a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Admission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Admission - Essay Example It has been observed that regular endurance exercise drastically mitigates the risk of falling victim to such diseases. Successful individuals have to adopt a hectic schedule in their day to day life. This has become inevitable, and causes very high levels of physical and mental stress. I have discovered that regular exercise relieves such stress and makes me highly energetic and enthusiastic. Therefore, I have made exercise an essential component of my daily routine. One of the best private research universities in the world is the University of Southern California, which is located in Los Angeles. It is an international hub for arts, international trade and technology. This university has more international students than any other university in the US. In addition, it provides vast and varied opportunities for internships and studying abroad. The education imparted at the University of Southern California is a well planned amalgam of professional and liberal education. This university has engendered a lively culture of public service, and inspires its students to transcend geographic and academic limits, whilst undergoing the process of acquiring knowledge. The number of students is more than 30,000, whilst that of the permanent faculty is more than 3,000. When it comes to selectivity, the University of Southern California, occupies the top 1 %. This distinction was achieved under the able guidance of its 10th president. It goes without saying that this highly esteemed institution, has emerged as the pioneer in communications, technologies related to multimedia, the life sciences and in a number of inter discipline areas of research. There has been a fivefold increase in its endowment, and it has been praised throughout the length and breadth of the nation, for its novel means of providing service, learning programs and concern for the community. In
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Inter-Religious Dialogues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Inter-Religious Dialogues - Essay Example From this research it is clear that the best examples of inter-religious dialogues are Jesus Christ and the Prophet. History makes it clear that Islam was spread by peaceful means. Hazrat Muhammad was known as a just and peaceful person long before he even talked about Islam. Muslims never forced any one to convert. South Asia and Africa were the countries where the message of God was taken by trading Muslims. The environment under His rule was to lift up the teachings and practices of Islamic traditions that nurture life and support community living. The Messenger of Allah prohibited even the fragrance of Paradise on a person who is a killer.This paper stresses that it generated hope and respect between the different people and created the atmosphere of mutual confidence. In any distrustful situation, dialogue should not be the last resort rather should be the first step towards reconciliation. It lessens fear and doubt by becoming the sign of hope. Jesus and Prophet Muhammad nev er used confrontational language and always focused on transparency and simplicity of dialogue. Whatever, they did in tackling those situations can also be done today and all of the points discussed above are essential for any dialogue. The ignorance of Quran has led Muslims to a wrong path way, and all in the name of Jihad. Negative role of media added fire to the fuel. Jihad means to defend oneself from anything that is harming but Muslims are not allowed to harm others.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Case study - Research Paper Example Among the three diversity perspectives, discrimination-and-fairness perspective is one of the most common cultural diversity practices that most companies adopt. This type of diversity perspective is based on recognizing the fact that work discrimination is not a legally accpetable business practice (Ely et al. 2003, p. 324; Thomas & Ely 1996, pp. 363 – 364). There are several situations mentioned in the case study that will prove that the concept of discrimination-and-fairness perspective is being carefully observed in the given case. First, Ross shook the hand of Will – one of the newest agent before asking him to sit down (Case Study, p. 145). To lessen the authoritative gap between Ross and Will, Ross decided to come out of her desk to sit in a chair next to Will. By doing so, Ross created a less intimidating A business organization is usually composed of majority and minority groups. Regardless of the organizational structure, it is necessary on the part of the majority groups or leaders to promote work diversity among the minority groups in order to enhance the overall business performance of a company (Maalouf 2003). Aiming to narrow down the gap and win the trust of Will, Ross decided to sit beside Will rather than make use of her authoritative power when discussing the work-related problems with Will. With the effort of calming Will, Ross carefully explained that the reason why she called Will for a meeting was purely because of her concern on his job performance rather than controlling or regulating his time outside the office hours (Case Study, pp. 146 – 147). The second situation is when Ross confronted Will about his declining work performance. Despite knowing the Will has alcohol problem, Ross managed not to discriminate will one way or the other. Rather than asking Will directly about his alcohol drinking problem, Ross started
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why Eveline should stay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Why Eveline should stay - Essay Example Her past has not been very good, but there is fear on trying a new route in life because it will leave her father vulnerable because he is aged. The life after the death of the mother is worse because she is expected to undertake all the duties that the mom did. Her example portrays the challenge women underwent in the early twentieth century Dublin. The question was on whether to remain rooted to the domestic life or accept the new lease that can be achieved through eloping. Even though some people believe that Eveline should leave the city, I will argue that she should stay because of some reasons such as: she is young, she is not sure if she loves Frank and her promise to her mother and her old father. The first reason which helps her deciding to stay in her city is because she is young at that time. If Eveline decides to leave the city, she will find everything is new in the new city. As a result, she needs to reschedule her duties to adapt with the new city. Of course, because she is young and her mother is dead, she will find difficulty things with her life to skip these problems. The author says that†Even now, though she was over nineteen, she sometimes felt herself in danger of her father’ violence†(Page 202). So she tries to find someone who helps her with that. The best option for Eveline is to leave with her fiancà © and start a new life far from Dublin. From the past experience, fear rules the judgment done by Eveline. Also, she is young so she needs to take much responsibly of her life. But is it difficult to take care of yourself if you are young. When she hears the street organ played on the night before the mom’s death, she resolves to sti ck to the routine and not try to change from it. Such restriction based on the past makes acceptance of change hard. The second reason which leads a hand her to stay not leave is because she is not sure if she loves Frank. In fact, the major challenge of the Eveline is overcoming fear and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Hamlet is a story by William Shakespeare written in 1599. This story is about Prince Hamlet’s struggles after his father’s death. Hamlet seeks revenge from his uncle for his father’s death. His uncle, Claudius sees Hamlet as a threat to his power, so he attempts to get rid of him. Unfortunately, his plan backfires, and the whole royal family dies, including Hamlet. An animated children’s Disney movie, The Lion King created in 1994, reflects Hamlet. The Lion King starts with a lion cub, Simba, who is learning the responsibilities of a king. Scar, Simba\s uncle has the desire to become the king. In order, to fulfill his dream, Scar kills king Mufasa and blames Simba. Scared and guilty Simba runs away, but returns soon after to take over his responsibility and become king. The Lion King is like a reproduction of the play Hamlet. The stories are similar and different in many ways. Here I have listed a few of many. The Hamlet and The Lion King have a lot in similar. In both of the stories, the uncle is the villain who seeks power. Simba and Hamlet both lose their fathers to what they believe is an unfortunate accident. Both of the main characters seek revenge for their father\s death and eventually kill their uncles. They are both from a royal family and the rightful heir to the throne. The characters are very similar and so is the plot. The queens, Sarabi and Gertrude have little to no power in the kingdom. Scar and Claudius are portrayed as cold and evil. Simba and Hamlet are presented as thoughtful, intelligent and emotional. Although the stories are known to have similarities, they have a lot of differences too. The most prominent difference is that Hamlet dies at the end of Hamlet, whereas the Lion King has a happy ending. Simba marries Nala and has a baby. In the Lion King, Simba is framed for Mufasa\s death so he chooses to run away, however, in Hamlet, Claudius orders Hamlet to go to England. Claudius rules pretty well, he does not ruin the kingdom like Scar. After his father\s death, Simba lives a carefree life for some years, whereas Hamlet is depressed, and on the verge of madness. Also, in Hamlet Polonius is Ophelia\s father, however in the Lion King, Zazu is not related to Nala. The differences are what make the stories unique. Disney recreated Shakespeare\s Hamlet into an animated children\s movie to make it suitable for children. They could have copied all of it, but then kids would not have liked it. The language of Hamlet is difficult to understand, whereas the Lion King uses modern words. Lion King creators did not kill Simba in the end because kids like to see happy endings. Movies created for kids should not be depressing. They put a family feeling in the movie, so more people would watch it and they would make more profit. The Lion King had a moral, like other Disney movies. Here the moral was, you have to learn to step up and keep moving forward, instead of running from your past. In my opinion, both of the stories were quite entertaining and well thought of. Disney did a great job with changing the story. They kept the major similarities but changed Shakespeare\s work into their own words. Hamlet’s tragic ending and The Lion King\s delightful ending make them remarkable. They are stories worth knowing.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Balanced Budget Amendment 1997 Analysis
Balanced Budget Amendment 1997 Analysis Balanced Budget Amendment Vu Luu Introduction In March 4, 1997, the balanced budget amendment was defeated in the United States Senate by just one vote. Fast forward to the present, the United States is facing a $17 trillion deficit versus the $5 trillion in 1997. The question that remains to be asked is had the balanced budget amendment passed the United States Senate and approved by Congress in 1997, would we be facing the debt crisis that we are facing today? Based on my conclusion, the answer that I believe is no, the debt crisis would not have been as severe as it is today. In this paper I will argue why the United States need a national balanced budget amendment in the constitution. In particular, I will discuss the following points to back up my claim; future implications if no changes in policies and solving government spending. As the United States’ federal deficit continues to grow, many are asking for a balanced budget amendment to be added to the constitution. A balanced budget amendment would require the federal government not to spend more than it receives in revenue. This means it would be unconstitutional and against the law for the federal government to accumulate budget deficits. THE NATIONAL DEBT ISN’T GOING TO GO AWAY According to the 2012 Congressional Budget Office report, our current policies will eventually lead to a federal debt that would eventually reach a 90% gross domestic product by 2022, 109% by 2026, and 200% by 2037 (CBO 11). These estimates are based on the assumption that our current laws remain generally unchanged and that our spending policies which is the cause of the accumulation of budget deficits remain the same. The CBO budget estimates are also based on forecasts of economic state, demographic trends, and past experience. The other interesting estimate that the CBO reported was that even if there were general changes in our current laws, they estimate that the budget deficit would reach about 60% of GDP by 2020 which is only 10% lower than our current situation (CBO 7). As indicated by the chart above, our annual deficit through 2021 would never drop below $1 trillion dollars under current policies. Although the main cause of the spike in deficit spending from 2008-2011 was mainly due to the recession, the Congressional Budget Office doesn’t believe the United States would recover under current laws. The balance budget amendment does allow exception, which in this case is the recession. If the national balance budget amendment was in place then after 2011, the annual deficit would only go down because of the radical budget changes in programs. It’s pretty apparent that the money we are borrowing is increasing more and more, but what will happen when it reaches that point when we have to start repaying these loans? The government textbook gives us a great example of what happened to Greece when they couldn’t pay off all their loans. The interest rates on Greek government went way up and by 2011, they had to pay 25% to obtain a two-year loan from private sector (Sidlow 6). Compared to the United States, we are paying a mere 0.44% compared to the 25% Greece had to pay. The ending results in the Greek government shut out of private borrowing and had to depend on other European countries. The Greece example and the CBO’s estimates are huge future implications and urge for huge changes in our policies which I believe is the federal balanced budget amendment. CALIFORNIA BALANCED BUDGET AND FEDERAL BALANCED BUDGET Although most states in the United States have a balanced budget amendment, the federal government does not and usually work with a deficit. California has struggled with the state deficit ever since the 2002 recession. They were in a deficit of more than $20 billion in 2003 and had to force drastic cuts to meet their budget (Gerston 104). In 2011, the state was in a $26 billion deficit and Jerry Brown had to take drastic measures and force more cuts in programs. All this summarizes to one thing and that is they took care of their problems with minimal support. The current federal government under the Obama administration doesn’t seem to be taking drastic measures to cut federal deficit. Instead, it seems the federal government is spending more than ever. One example of wasteful spending that I found is the building of an unused $75.5 million airport and a $29 million harbor with no roads in Alaska in 2012 (Yahoo). It’s really questionable for them to use stimulus money for these projects. The building of the unused airport and harbor is an indicator that not all politicians share the same view. The ones that run the country and the ones that run a state may have opposing views and that could bring up different priorities. According to the Government Accountability Office, the United States is on an unsustainable path because of the emphasis on Medicare and Social Security spending (Wikipedia). President Obama is known for his emphasis on Medicare and that could be contagious to other politicians. What I am trying to draw from this is that if President Clinton, who had a surplus during his administration, was still the president then I don’t think we would have an overspending problem. President Clinton attacked the deficit by balancing the budget through ordinary fiscal policy and raising taxes (Wikipedia), whereas President Obama doesn’t seem to be drastically cutting spending or raising taxes. WHY THE NATIONAL DEBT IS ONLY GROWING The United States would never recover from this deficit unless they fix one problem and that is overspending. The revenue the public generates is fine, so that isn’t the problem. The problem lies with the government and the excessive spending. Congress has three options concerning spending which are 1) they can cut it, 2)raise tax rates, or 3) pass it to the localized government. From my perspective, it seems like they did none of these and chose to spend money that isn’t budgeted which essentially only adds more to the deficit. The graph above shows the average spending from 1960-2009 which is 20.3%. Notice how when spending increase, revenue also increase. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for the situation we are in. We are currently sitting at an all-time high spending of 24.7% whereas our revenue is at an all-time low of 14.8% (The Heritage Foundation). The sensible action to be taken in this situation is to decrease spending, which we obviously haven’t. If Congress is mandated to balance the budget, it would determine which programs are inefficient and would spend money more rationally. If the balanced budget amendment passes, I believe it would decrease overspending because it would require the president to submit to Congress a balanced federal budget each year. According to Steven Calabresi, a professor at Northwestern University and co-founder of the Federalist Society, Congress should be constitutionally required to hold a vote with the president’s projected budget in 3 months and with the president and Congress having a time period of up to six months to accept a final budget (The American Spectator). If they fail to adopt a final budget during the allocated amount of time, all federal spending except payments on the debt should be frozen. In conclusion, if we are to solve are national deficit then we should start focusing on the national balanced budget amendment. The balance budget amendment will force the president to submit and a balanced federal budget each year with the president and Congress both agreeing on the final budget. Overall, this will decrease overspending which is the main cause of our increasingly deficit. Works Cited 1.The 2012 Long-Term Budget Outlook. Publication no. 43288. N.p.: n.p., n.d.Congressional Budget Office. Web. 15 May 2014. . 2.Sidlow, Edward, and Beth Henschen.GOVT, 4th, Student Edition. N.p.: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print. 3.Gerston, Larry N., and Terry Christensen.California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2014. Print. 4. National Debt of the United States.Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Dec. 2014. Web. 15 May 2014. . 5. Balanced Budget Amendment.Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. . 6. Pfeiffer, Eric. Alaskan Town Home to Airport with No Planes and Harbor with No Road.Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 May 2014. . 7. Riedl, Brian. New CBO Budget Baseline Reveals Permanent Trillion-Dollar Deficits.The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation, 26 Jan. 2011. Web. 15 May 2014. . 8. Calabresi, Steven. The Answer Is a Balanced Budget Amendment.The American Spectator. The American Spectator, Oct. 2011. Web. 15 May 2014. .
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Defeated Hope in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays
Defeated Hope in Of Mice and Men When discussing the thematics of Steinbeck's novel, we would do well to first examine the title, which is an allusion to a line of Robert Burns, a Scottish poet: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft aglay." Translated into modern English, the verse reads: "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry." This cynical statement is at the heart of the novel's action and serves as a foreshadowing prophecy of all that is to come. For, indeed, the novels two main characters do have a scheme, a specific dream of changing their current way of life in order to have their own place and work only for themselves. The tragedy, of course, lies in the fact that no matter how elaborately our heroes plan, regardless of how intensely they hope and dream, their plan does not find fulfillment. This is a novel of defeated hope and the harsh reality of the American Dream. George and Lennie are poor homeless migrant workers, doomed to a life of wandering and toil in which they are never able to reap the fruits of their labor. Their desires may not seem so unfamiliar to any other American: a place of their own, the opportunity to work for themselves and harvest what they sow with no one to take anything from them or give them orders. George and Lennie desperately cling to the notion that they are different from other workers who drift from ranch to ranch because, unlike the others, they have a future and each other. But characters like Crooks and Curley's wife serve as reminders that George and Lennie are no different from anyone who wants something of his or her own. All the characters (all the ones that Steinbeck has developed, at least) wish to change their lives in some fashion, but none are capable of doing so; they all have dreams, and it is only the dream that varies from person to person. Curley's wife has already had her dream of being an actress pass her by and now must live a life of empty hope. Crooks' situation hints at a much deeper oppression than that of the white worker in America-the oppression of the black people. Through Crooks, Steinbeck exposes the bitterness, the anger, and the helplessness of the black American who struggles to be recognized as a human being, let alone have a place of his own. Defeated Hope in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays Defeated Hope in Of Mice and Men When discussing the thematics of Steinbeck's novel, we would do well to first examine the title, which is an allusion to a line of Robert Burns, a Scottish poet: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft aglay." Translated into modern English, the verse reads: "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry." This cynical statement is at the heart of the novel's action and serves as a foreshadowing prophecy of all that is to come. For, indeed, the novels two main characters do have a scheme, a specific dream of changing their current way of life in order to have their own place and work only for themselves. The tragedy, of course, lies in the fact that no matter how elaborately our heroes plan, regardless of how intensely they hope and dream, their plan does not find fulfillment. This is a novel of defeated hope and the harsh reality of the American Dream. George and Lennie are poor homeless migrant workers, doomed to a life of wandering and toil in which they are never able to reap the fruits of their labor. Their desires may not seem so unfamiliar to any other American: a place of their own, the opportunity to work for themselves and harvest what they sow with no one to take anything from them or give them orders. George and Lennie desperately cling to the notion that they are different from other workers who drift from ranch to ranch because, unlike the others, they have a future and each other. But characters like Crooks and Curley's wife serve as reminders that George and Lennie are no different from anyone who wants something of his or her own. All the characters (all the ones that Steinbeck has developed, at least) wish to change their lives in some fashion, but none are capable of doing so; they all have dreams, and it is only the dream that varies from person to person. Curley's wife has already had her dream of being an actress pass her by and now must live a life of empty hope. Crooks' situation hints at a much deeper oppression than that of the white worker in America-the oppression of the black people. Through Crooks, Steinbeck exposes the bitterness, the anger, and the helplessness of the black American who struggles to be recognized as a human being, let alone have a place of his own.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Classical Greek Philosophical Paideia in Light of the Postmodern Occidentalism of Jacques Derrida :: Philosophy
Classical Greek Philosophical Paideia in Light of the Postmodern Occidentalism of Jacques Derrida ABSTRACT: In his writings during the 60s and 70s, Derrida situates his doctrine of diffà ©rance in the context of a radical critique of the Western philosophical tradition. This critique rests on a scathing criticism of the tradition as logocentric/phallogocentric. Often speaking in a postured, ÃÅ"bermenschean manner, Derrida claimed that his 'new' aporetic philosophy of diffà ©rance would help bring about the clà ´ture of the Western legacy of logocentrism and phallogocentrism. Although in recent writings he appears to have settled into a more pietistic attitude towards the traditionally Judeo-Christian sense of the sacred and a stronger declamatory acknowledgment of his solidarity with the critical project of the Greek thinkers, many of his readers are still left with a sour taste in their mouths due to the denunciatory and self-ingratiating tone of his earlier writings. In this paper, I address these concerns, arguing that the earlier phallogocentric paradigm underlying Derrid a's critique of classical Greek philosophical paideia can be troped as a postmodern, Franco-Euro form of 'Occidentalism'-a 'metanarrative' very similar in intent to the Orientalism critiqued by Said. In Derrida’s earlier writings, it is indeed very difficult to untangle this Occidental metanarrative from the aporetic metaphysics of diffà ©rance. a. From Hellenocentrism to Phallogocentrism: In his highly influential Introduction to Paideia: the Ideals of Greek Culture (1933), Werner Jaeger discusses the ideals of Greek paideia in terms of their seminal influence on European culture, a culture which he forebodingly describes in the early thirties as "tired of civilization." Jaeger employs the term "hellenocentric" to describe the essential nature of the Greek influence on the development of modern European culture; his method of interpreting Greek culture rests on an attempt both to reanimate the waning classicism of nineteenth century philhellenism and to challenge the widespread, Nietzschean-inspired "war against the excessive rationalization of modern life," a war that also leads, claims Jaeger, to a carte blanche historiographical dismissal of Greek paideia as excessively rationalistic. In his attempt to reanimate and challenge nineteenth- and early twentieth-century figurings of Greek paideia, Jaeger argues that the "intellectual and spiritual nature" of Greek intel lectual life cannot be understood, as he felt it had been understood, "in vacuo, cut off from the society which produced it and to which it was addressed." In his Introduction to Paideia, Jaeger reconstructs the dynamic interplay in Greek paideia between the polis and the individual, between social responsibility and individual freedom, --in short, between the zw'/on politikon and the gnw'qi seautovn-- in the hope of restoring to European culture a greater appreciation of its hellenocentric origins.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
An Investigation Of Japanese Corporate Culture, Its Trends And Changes
An Investigation of Japanese Corporate Culture, Its Trends And Changes Japanese Business & Culture bus 258.1 Table of Contents1.0 Introduction 2.0 Procedure 3.0 Findings 3.1 Changing social culture. 3.2 Business Culture in Japan 3.3 Why change is needed 3.4 What is Japan and her corporations doing to develop and change 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 Bibliography Japanese Business & CultureAn investigation Japanese corporate culture, its trends and changes.1.0 IntroductionThis report is based around the following quote: "Japan's corporate culture is the product of uniquely Japanese social and historical influences, so deeply rooted as to easily repel outside influences. Bur Japanese corporations need to change their basic goals...." This report will discuss nature of corporate culture in Japan, and why change is needed. The maximum length is 2,000 words 2.0 Procedure The report was produced using library based research because of the time scale and cost. The sources used include text books, journals and newspapers.. The references have been made 'Harvard Style' and can be found in the Bibliography. 3.0 Findings The Japanese business culture has been described by Beedham as a culture that acts like a clan, in that there is a large amount of authority given to the man at the top, and in the commitment that is shown by the people around him, Beedham points out that this can be evident in the way that their car factories, investment banks and government ministries are ran. This clan-like-behaviour has the effect of making decision making painfully slow, with compromises having to be met in all directions, but this is starting to change, as the people of Japan are starting to change and have different priorities. These changes can be put down to several factors that are changing in Japanese society as a whole. 3.1 Changing social culture. The increasing and speeding up of urbanisation is one way in which corporate culture is being changed. Because of this urbanisation there is less commitment to groups as people become more individual and have their own priority in life. Marriage and family ties are also starting to loosen. Links between children, parents and grandparents are not the same as they were ten years ago. The greatest impact on peoples commitment to their work is money. As the Japanese become richer, they are starting to see that there is... ...g the corporate culture slightly Japanese corporations are not seen as been there for just profit. Profit is important, but it is not the only reason for the company's existence, but involves people and their future. This is however changing with corporations starting to set financial targets for themselves and cut costs. Ways in which the Japanese corporate culture is starting to change can be found in the way that promotions are decided. In the past seniority meant everything and no some positions are given on merit. Also, management positions are starting to be taken up by foreigners, as well as R&D relocation outside Japan. Japanese politics are also helping in the change of culture. Deregulation and liberalisation promote a more dynamic organisation culture and structure but these developments need backing up with further proposals to deregulate and promote entrepreneurship 5.0 Bibliography Brian Beedham, Tomorrow's Japan, The Economist, July 13th 1996 Various Internet article with no title or author. FT 96 Dec 05 page 6/ Survey - Japanese Industry: Routes to the top FT 96 Dec 02 page 20/ Lex Column: Japan FT 96 Nov 18 page 14/ Management: Time to pull back the screen
20th century poetry Essay
We have been giving to 20th century poems to examine. They are â€Å"Evans†by R. S Thomas and â€Å"Death in Leamington†by Sir John Betjeman. Both poems are about death, but in two very different situations. I will examine the poem Evans first of all. Evans was written by a man called R. S Thomas. He lived from 1913-2000. he was born in Cardiff. He became a clergyman and taught himself welsh so he could work with the people in the hills, because not many of them spoke English at this time. Evans is a 20th Century poem. The poem begins as if the writer is talking to somebody else. It looks like the other person has asked him something like, â€Å"Do you remember a man Evans? †and the writer replies, â€Å"yes, many a time. †The first verse of the poem describes Evans’ house. It talks about the â€Å"bare†stairs and the â€Å"gaunt†kitchen. We can depict from the first verse that Evans was a poor man, his house is not at all well furbished, and he doesn’t have much to his name. Everything that Evans owns has a dull, dreary adjective attached to it, like stark farm and black kettle. His kitchen must be filthy because crickets can be heard. The last line of this verse tells us that he lives on a lone farm upon a hill. From this verse we have found out that this man is poor, lonely and doesn’t really care much about what his house looks like. The 2nd verse tells us that something appals the speaker. He says that it isn’t the darkness around him, which seems to fill his mouth and that it isn’t the tree that the rain drips off. I think the tree is symbolism, because the speaker says, â€Å"of rain like blood form that one tree, weather tortured. †I think he is really describing Evans appearance. The speaker says that it’s the veins of Evans. He sees darkness in them, and that it is â€Å"silting†them. Silt is the thick sandy substance at the bottom of rivers. I think it means that the darkness is trapped in Evans’ veins and that it is slowly killing him. The writer says, â€Å"I left stranded upon the vast and lonely shore of his bleak bed. †The writer believes that he has failed is his job, which is to comfort the sick if they are going to die. The writer feels that he is inadequate and that he hasn’t done what he wanted to. Again we see another dreary adjective attached to one of Evans possessions, his bleak bed. The word lonely is used again here. The writer wants to get the point across that Evans has no one, no family or friends to comfort him, that is why the writer feels so bad that he cant do this for him. This poem is about the bad way to die, all on your own and no one to comfort you. The next poem, Death in Leamington, is about the other way to pass on. Death in Leamington was written by Sir John Betjeman. Poets of his day liked to write poems making fun of the middle class people. The first verse tells us that someone has died, and that it is a woman. It has happened in the late evening. She has died in her bedroom. The room has a plate glass window, which means this place wherever she was staying must has been pretty well off. The second verse gives us a little more insight to the woman. She owned a crochet, which means she must have been quite old. It lay beside her bed, which means she can’t have been too old because she was still able to walk. Again the writer tells us that she is dead.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The novel The Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska Analysis
The novel The Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska tells about a traditional Jewish family immigrating to America and the problems that they face. In the book, Father, Reb Smolinsky, is bothersome and irritating instead of helping his wife and daughters in maintaining the household. His hypocrisy was very cruel. He married his daughters to men who they loved did not love. Lastly, Father was negligent to his daughter Sara. Although a reader can draw sympathy towards him because he is naive and does not know how things work in the ‘New World', he shows that he is very mean and cruel throughout the story. Reb Smolinsky was a contemptible individual. First of all, Father's hypocrisy was cruel and cold. For example, when his daughter, Sara, came to visit the family and her sick mother, after she completed her college education he scolded her. â€Å"A lot from it. She's only good to the world and not her father. Will she hand me her wages from school like a dutiful daughter should? †(page 248) This was Father's response to her success. Sara could not even afford to buy good clothing in college. She starved herself just to pay the tuition and rent. There is no way she could have sent her father money. When the doctor arrives to the home later to check on Sara's sick mother Father introduces his daughters to him. He boasts about Sara becoming a teacher. He says that she takes after himself and that he paid for all of her education. Another example of his hypocrisy is when Father wanted to become some one greater, a businessman. He took the money he got from his son-in-laws and bought a store. When the Smolinsky family found out that the store was a fake setup and that all their money was squandered, they yelled at Father. Mother grabbed Father by the front of his coat trying to shake him out of his calmness. Mother then said, â€Å"Now that the girls are married and no wages coming in, what shall we live on? †(page 124) This was Mothers reaction to the disaster. Eventually the whole family forgave Father for what they saw was a grave blunder. When Sara left home and wanted to become something greater instead of supporting her Father financially for life, he disowned her. He thought she was wasting her time and money on classes and she should put her money into helping the family. Father also wanted Sara to marry Max Goldstein, but she refused to. In his opinion, she had committed several serious errors. Throughout the rest of the story he did not apologize to her for his abusive treatment, yet his family forgave him. Reb is a hypocrite who makes his family feel servile. Another way in which Reb Smolinsky makes readers feel contempt is by marrying his daughters to people who are rich, and not to people who his daughters truly loved. He did this for his own gain and not for the good of his daughters. For instance, his daughter Mashah was in love with a pianist by the name of Jacob Novak. Father did not like Jacob because Jacob's father did not allow him to visit Mashah before and after one of his important symphonies. In this way Father thought of him as a deserter and did not like him. He would not allow her to see him and marriage was out of the question. Instead, Father got a diamond dealer named Moe Mirsky to marry Mashah. After the marriage Mashah came home one night and told her family that Moe was a fake. He worked at a diamond jewelry shop and borrowed some jewelry to show off. He had now lost that job and had no money. â€Å"Empty-head! Where were your brains? Didn't you go out with the man a whole month before you were married? Couldn't you see he was a swindler and a crook when you talked to him? †This was Father's reaction. He blamed the whole situation on Mashah although he had arranged the marriage. Father only married Mashah to him so he could get some money; there was no true love between them. Father also made his daughter Bessie marry someone she did not love. He made her marry a fish peddler by the name of Zalmon. Zalmon had a good amount of money that father wanted. Zalmon was in his late 50's and had six small children. The children were to become a great burden on Bessie. Father's greed landed his daughters in dreadful relationships. Lastly, instead of supporting his daughter Sara throughout her schooling Father outcasted her. Sara Smolinsky ran away from home due to Father's constant persecution. Sara started to attend school with her own hard earned money. She really needed support emotionally and wished Father came to visit. One night Father came to visit her and scolded her. He told her that she was wasting her time and nothing would amount to her classes. He spat angry words in her face and disowned her. He did this all because Sara refused Max Goldstein, a potential suitor for her picked by Father. Most parents of that time and today would never do such a thing. The responsibility of parents is to raise their children, teach them right from wrong, educate them, and support them emotionally and financially. Father did not do all of this. He might have told her right from wrong and taught her about the Torah, but did so in a very narrow-minded sense. Sara suffered for her father's self-centeredness and irresponsibility. Reb Smolinsky makes readers feel he is an evil individual. His unethical and disturbing actions would send him directly to jail today. Father treated his family to the point where it became disgusting. He married his daughters to abusive and unconcerned men. He scrutinized every error his family made, but said nothing when he, himself committed a wrong. He was also ignorant of his parental responsibilities. Reb Smolinsky can therefore be classified as a contemptible character.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Zoecon Case Recommendation
The Problem(s). Does the South Delaware Coors distributorship offer sufficient investment potential given Mr. Brownlow’s current business and personal situation? Recommendation(s). Given Mr. Brownlow’s current business and personal situation operating the South Delaware Coors, Inc. distribution does offer sufficient investment potential. The following explanation is presented to evaluate the decision factors in the case. Profit Potential. From the studies conducted by Manson and Associates the potential profit can be estimated.The primary objective was to determine the investment potential of the distribution of Coors. As shown in Table 1, in order to break even, the South Delaware Coors distribution would need to sell $247,272 or 224,793 gallons to break even. This amount is not out of reach when calculating the market potential. The market potential calculated in Table 2. The table uses 2002 estimates to approximate the first full year of production for the South Dela ware Coors distribution. When total sale is multiplied with the wholesale price per gallon, the potential market for the distribution is 415,128 gallons.This potential market gallons sold is higher than the break even amount by 185%, creating a potential profit of $456,641. The industry demand also shows market potential by using the tax approach from Table E of the Manson study. The tax approach shown in Table 3 provides a look into the industry demand of beer in Delaware, where the average revenue of a wholesaler in 1997 was $799,944. Subtracted by the break-even cost, the tax approach shows revenue of $799,944 from the average revenue of a wholesaler.Comparing the break-even cost with the 1998 wholesaler revenue the profit increases 5. 8%, with estimated projected profit of $950,111 in 2002. Market share is shown in table 4. The market shares A, B and C are reflective of the good, better, best scenarios respectively. Even with the worst market share of 436,588. 2 gallons, it stil l surpasses the break even gallons by nearly double. The best market share scenario almost triples the breakeven point at 677,647. 7 gallons. Market and Competitive Environments.Since 1873, Coors has evolved into the fourth largest seller of beer in the United States, working on the philosophy of â€Å"hard work, saving money, devotion to the quality of the product, caring about the environment, and giving people something to believing in. †The impact of Coors on the competitive environments can be seen in the consumer and retailer questionnaire results from the Manson and Associate studies. Study G shows a large consumer following of Coors products with 70% of consumers with a â€Å"certainly will†intention to buy Coors. Similarly the retailer questionnaire, study H, showed 88. % of retailers â€Å"certainly will†sell Coors products. Public Acceptance. Coors’ history stands to show the acceptance in the quality of product Coors offers to their consume rs for over 140 years. Similarly, as with the market and competitive environment, 70% of consumers have the intention to buy Coors’ products. With this amount of anticipation from the consumers, there will most certainly be a spiked period of verbal advertisements from satisfied consumers. This type of advertisement is more powerful than any other advertisement because new consumers are more willing to try a new product when requested by someone they know.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
European Studies Essays – Welfare State and the European Nations
Welfare State and the European Statesâ€Å"The phrase ‘welfare state’ was foremost used in the late thirtiess, to separate between the policies of the democracies and the war province of European dictators†( Spicker, 2003 ) . From the late 19th century, characteristics of a public assistance province began emerge in parts of Western Europe. The first European state to set in topographic point a public assistance province was Germany in 1883. The so Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck introduced a compulsory national accident and illness insurance jurisprudence. The insurance was financed by province subsidy ( Spicker ) . A public assistance province is â€Å"a province where more than one half of all authorities outgos are devoted to societal policy, as opposed to the economic system, the armed forces, jurisprudence and order, substructure and other traditional maps of the state†( Spicker, 2003 ) . Judt ( 2006 ) defines a public assistance province as a province which is chiefly concerned with distributing public assistance to its citizens. Such provinces spend the bigger proportion of their public outgos on public assistance. Get aid with your essay from our adept essay authors†¦ Harmonizing to Gough ( 2006 ) , welfare provinces in Europe were established during the Second World War. Their chief intent was to undertake the five evil giants that were confronting most of Europe at that clip. These immoralities included: Poverty: Because of the war, many people were ill, idle or widowed hence were hapless. Diseases: Despite many people being ill, they could non afford to seek intervention. Ignorance: At that clip, school-leaving age was 11. Most kids were forced to drop out of schools because they could non afford to pay fees. Sordidness: Majority of the population lived in hapless lodging installations ( slums ) because council houses were unequal. Idleness: As a consequence of the war, most people lost their occupations and became unemployed. The public assistance province was hence established to guarantee that kids stayed in school ; free medical intervention for all was introduced ; new council houses were built and more towns established to supply better lodging installations to the slum inhabitants and more industries were started to assist cut down the unemployment rate. There are several aims of a public assistance province. Equitable distribution of wealth and resources: Welfare provinces used progressive method of revenue enhancement aggregation whereby people with higher incomes paid more revenue enhancements and those with lower incomes paid less revenue enhancement. This method of revenue enhancement helped in reallocation of public money and shifting of resources from the resource-rich parts to resource-poor parts. This was effectual in accomplishing regional balance and in contracting the spread between the rich and the hapless ( Spicker, 2003 ) . Income and criterion of populating care: Peoples can temporarily or for good be rendered incapable participating in the labour market. This can be due to old age, or illness. This usually consequences in loss of income for themselves and their households. But in a public assistance province, income care was assured whether or non person was working. This was usually â€Å"achieved through a assortment of public insurance strategies, †( Judt, 2006 ) . These included tax write-offs from an employee’s wage, parts made by the employers and the province. These tax write-offs and parts were deposited into an insurance fund from which persons were entitled to certain benefits, depending on the degree and the figure of parts made. These â€Å"insurance strategies covered unemployment, ill wage and old age pensions, †( Gough, 2006 ) . Helping the deprived groups: public assistance provinces started plans to help those groups that were considered worse-off than others. Gough ( 2006 ) says that: For case, European states have taken specific steps to battle rural poorness ; support households with kids ; supply for re-training and early retirement in industrial job parts ; help particularly those with structural employment job ( the long-run and older unemployed ; youth unemployment ) . Provision of a public safety cyberspace was another aim of public assistance provinces. Welfare States ensured that each single enjoyed â€Å"a minimum degree of nice human being if no other resources are available, †( Gough, 2006 ) . In the pre-industrial epoch proviso for such persons was chiefly done by â€Å"local charities, communities, nobleness oblige, and the churches †¦ on a much smaller scale†( Gough ) . Most Welfare States used their public assistance policy as a signifier of economic administration. Harmonizing to Gough ( 2006 ) , â€Å"the economic systems of Continental Europe, frequently called organized market economic systems, are characterized by a more marked function for the authorities in the economic system †¦.†Unlike in other provinces, the different economic sectors were normally in harmoniousness instead than in competition with each other. This contributed to the overall economic organisation and stableness, and is the ground why such economic systems were frequently labeled ‘organized market economies.’ Welfare provinces put up policies aimed at poorness obliteration. Such plans included Medicaid and Aid to Families with Dependent Children ( AFDC ) . However, such plans were non popular among the bulk of the population because they merely served the marginalized people who comprised a smaller proportion of the population. The creative activity and development of the public assistance province followed different forms in each of the European states. The work forces behind the European public assistance province shared Keynes’s position which he voiced before his decease in 1946. Keynes said that â€Å"after the World War II, there would be a craving for societal and personal security in Europe. And there was. The public assistance province was constructed chiefly as a security revolution instead than a societal revolution, †( Judt, 2006 ) The German public assistance system was based on the three chief rules. The first 1 was â€Å"subsidiarity.†This rule holds that â€Å"services should be decentralized or independently managed†( Spicker, 2003 ) . The function of the province was limited merely to countries which could non be covered by other agencies like military services. In Germany, high income earners were non covered by the chief societal insurance system ; they were left to do their ain determinations. Economic development was another rule environing the German public assistance system. Provision of societal services was based on this rule. This was clearly apparent in â€Å"the close relationship of services to people’s place in the labour market. Social benefits were earnings-related, and those without work records found that they were non covered for of import contingencies†( Spicker, 2003 ) . Additionally, the state’s disbursement on public assistance had to be straight related to the rule of economic development and growing. Welfare province in Germany was originally established by Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck who introduced the rule of ‘corporatist structure’ . Harmonizing to Spicker, 2003: This rule was developed by Bismarck on the footing of bing common assistance associations, and remained the footing for societal protection later. Social insurance, which covered the costs of wellness, some societal attention and much of the income care system, was managed by a system of independent financess. The Gallic system of public assistance was regarded as the most generous public assistance system. It involved proviso of a broad scope of societal services, rendering it really complex and expensive to keep it. In France, the public assistance system was â€Å"based on the rule of solidarity, †which was declared in the first article of the Gallic Code of Social Security ( Spicker, 2003 ) . However, the term â€Å"solidarity†was equivocal and was used in different fortunes to intend different things. To some people, solidarity referred to cooperative common support whereby people who benefited from national public assistance strategies were expected to lend on an equal footing. To others, solidarity meant mutualist relationships, â€Å"common action, common duty and shared risks†( Spicker, 2003 ) . The Swedish Welfare System was viewed as an ideal signifier of public assistance province. The system offered institutional attention in that it offered â€Å"a cosmopolitan minimum†( Judt, 2006 ) . Like all public assistance provinces, the Swedish authorities offered benefits to the unemployed, the ill people, and retired citizens. However, for a long clip this public assistance system was non efficaciously practiced because as Judt ( 2006 ) says, â€Å"the Swedish population had a strong tradition of entrepreneurship and difficult work and continued to work hard even though they now had the option to populate off government.†However, with clip, people adapted to the public assistance system. The public assistance province of the United Kingdom was established by William Beveridge in 1942. The purpose of the province was to control the societal jobs that British citizens were confronting due to the effects of the Second World War. The authorities took the duty of supplying for its people. This policy resulted in high authorities outgo and an addition in the state’s cardinal duties. In add-on to the proviso of the basic services ( instruction, wellness, lodging and employment ) the province besides increased â€Å"regulation of industry nutrient and redistributive taxation†( Gough, 2006 ) . Most Welfare States did non last long because of assorted grounds. The first major ground was the nature of revenue enhancement and the salary construction. In most public assistance provinces, the societal benefits and wages for the low-skilled workers were among the highest in the universe, whereas those for the high-skilled workers were lower comparison to those of other states. Additionally, the high-skilled workers paid much higher revenue enhancements than the low–skilled workers. This attracted more low-skilled workers into these provinces, going a load to the Welfare State. The issue of in-migration besides led to the prostration of the public assistance province. Because of the societal benefits a public assistance province offered, it attracted people from the low income states. Fjordman ( 2006 ) notes that â€Å"†¦ they experienced †¦ decomposition with the debut of mass in-migration of individuals who did non hold the cultural background necessary to continue the public assistance state.†Last, the nature of the services that a public assistance province provided contributed to its prostration. Education and wellness services particularly are â€Å"ones on which people wish to pass more money as they become richer. Old age and retirement pensions imply that the authorities would hold to pass more as the population ages†( Fjordman, 2006 ) . Because of this, the ratio of public disbursement to Gross Domestic Product was high and it became practically impossible to run into all the societal demands of its citizens. Mentions Fjordman, C.The Welfare State: The Root of Europe’s Problems. The Brussels Journal. 2006, March 08 Gough, I.European Welfare States: Explanations and Lessons for Developing States. University of Bath hypertext transfer protocol: // Judt, T.The Future of Decadent Europe. The Globalist. 2006, June 02. Spicker, P. The Welfare State.Centre for Public Policy and Management: Robert Gordon University hypertext transfer protocol: //
Friday, September 13, 2019
Program Need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Program Need - Essay Example Of those children who have asthma, a large proportion of them are considered overweight when compared with peer groups. Type II diabetes has become more prevalent in children, mostly due to the obesity epidemic in America. Prior to 1992, childhood obesity contributed to only two to four percent. In 1994, that number had risen to sixteen percent. Obese children have a 12.6 times greater risk of having a high fasting blood insulin level, which is a factor for type II diabetes. High blood pressure, called hypertension, is also on the rise in children. There is a nine times greater risk of elevated blood pressure occurring persistently in obese children than in non-obese children. In addition, obese children and adolescents are 2.4 times more likely to have a high diastolic blood pressure reading and 4.5 times more likely to have an elevated systolic blood pressure reading than non-obese children. Orthopedic complications are another negative aspect of childhood obesity. These complicati ons are due to the fact that the growing bones and cartilage of growing children are not yet strong enough to support excess weight (Obesity in Youth, 2005). The psychosocial effects are just as important as the physical consequences of obesity. White girls, who are more likely to develop a negative body image, are greatly impacted by childhood obesity. These girls are then at a greater risk for the development of eating disorders later in life. Adolescent females report stigmatizing consequences of being obese. These include weight-related teasing by peers, name calling, and harmful comments by family members, coworkers, peers, and friends. Children and adolescents also report that others make negative assumptions about them due to their weight. These assumptions include that they are lazy, inactive, tough, and unclean (Collins, 2005). After-school exercise programs are becoming more popular throughout America. These programs are an excellent way for children to become more active and learn lifetime fitness skills. At one school in Virginia, students not only exercise and eat healthy snacks, they learn lifetime fitness skills such as calculating heart rate and using a pedometer to track their daily steps. Staff members are also involved in the program. Since the implementation of the program, one hundred students have become involved and staff members have lost a total of five hundred pounds (Glod, 2005). These positive results, combined with the growing prevalence of childhood obesity, clearly indicate the need for an after-school program in this district. Proposed Program Description The proposed program will have several components related to exercise participation, healthy eating, health education, and family and staff participation. The exercise component of the program will focus on cardiovascular wellness and incorporate aerobic exercises as well as strength-training activities. These activities can include walking, jogging, working with an exercise ball, using a rock climbing wall, calisthenics, isometric exercises, and working with free weights. Healthy eating will also play an important role in the after-school exercise program. The snacks that are provided will be low in sugar, fat, cholesterol, and sodium and will be of good nutritional value for the participants. These snacks can include fresh fruits,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
What has gone wrong with Williams teams efforts and what should be Case Study - 1
What has gone wrong with Williams teams efforts and what should be done to ensure a successful outcome for the team - Case Study Example The group dynamic theory highlights on the social and psychological changes that come up in workplaces (David and Frank 2000). It helps in the comprehension of behaviours that come up due to team or group work in businesses. Communication styles play a significant role in the interpersonal relationships that emerge in workplaces. The bonds among workers contribute directly to the success or failure of the company. â€Å"†¦the success of an organization can depend on the levels of team work it employs†(Hartley & Bruckmann, 2008, p.311). Felix is a new employee who has social problems. He does not relate well with other employees and the company manager claims that his character is affecting the profits. Lack of teamwork has contributed to the failure of the company since it has not acquired the set goals and objectives. The main setback is the lack of communication skills and interpersonal relationships at the work place. Felix is competent, but â€Å"Developing sending skills meets only half the requirements for communicating effectively†(David & Frank, 2000, p. 147). He does not want to join groups and causal office conversation, is considered as a loner, and does want to share ideas with other employees. The employer considers his behaviour as a setback to the company because he cannot blend in with other employees. Teamwork requires that all members help each other to overcome problems that emerge in the business. â€Å"Groups and teams have assumed greater prominence in organisations in the past few decades†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Eunson, 2005, p. 566). According to the dynamic theory, it insists on teamwork among employees since interpersonal relationships help in the growth of the business. â€Å"Members of groups act together to achieve common aims or goals†(Eunson, 2005, p. 567). However, Felix does not socialize outside the workplace. He is seen not contributing to fellow employees debates while they are having a drink.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Great Gatsby Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
The Great Gatsby - Essay Example Therefore, the story symbolizes the 1920s America with more focus on the collapse of the American dream in an era of extraordinary prosperity and material excess. Fitzgerald depicts the 1920s as a period of decayed social as well as moral values supported by the empty pursuit of pleasure, overarching cynicism in addition to greed. For instance, â€Å"Tom was evidently perturbed†¦Saturday night. He came to Gatsby party†, â€Å"†¦it stands out in my memory from Gatsby’s other parties that summer (Fitzgerald 67). The parties actually resulted in the corruption of the American dream. This is because the uncontrolled desire for pleasure and money exceeded more righteous goals. Jordan in the story admits loving big parties, â€Å"Anyhow he gives large parties†, â€Å"And I like large parties†(Fitzgerald 45). Gatsby never bothered sacrificing his life and reputation in order to secure wealth thereby being in a position to marry Daisy. The ladies while moving close to Gastby’s house assert that he is a bootlegger, â€Å"He’s a bootlegger†(Fitzgerald 53). Moreover, Buchanan’s passion for wealth, pleasure, and money drove her into marrying Tom. For instance, in the book, the author asserts, â€Å"she wanted her life shaped now, immediately – and the decision must be made by force – of love, of money †¦with arrival of Tom†(Fitzgerald 96). After the end of the World War I in 1918, the generation of the youthful Americans who had participated in the war became intensely disenchanted and hopeless. The atrocious carnage they had experienced had eroded the Victorian social morality of the early twentieth century since America appeared stuffy and full of empty hypocrisy. The shaky rise of the stock market in the aftermath of the World War resulted in a sudden and sustained rise in the national wealth coupled with newfound materialism. This is because individuals began to use and consume at exceptional levels. For instance,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Violent Computer Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Violent Computer Games - Essay Example â€Å"On average, there is a significant tendency for the studies to yield an increase in aggression by those who have played the violent games," said Craig Anderson, an Iowa State University professor and leading researcher on the effects of media violence.†(Violent computer games under Attack). There are enough evidences which prove that playing violent computer games give rise to violence in the society. This is extremely bad for the society, it is high time that this is realized and something should be done about it sooner rather than later.  Every coin is two sided, playing computer games also has benefits. It relaxes a person and it is very entertaining to play games. The relaxation derived from playing games is immense and cannot be out into words. Research also proves that playing games makes the mind sharper and the response rate of the mind goes up by a significant level. â€Å"Nottingham Trent University professor Mark Griffiths said they can be a powerful dist raction for youngsters undergoing painful cancer treatment. He also argues games can help develop social skills for children with attention disorders including autism. Mr Griffith's claims are made in the British Medical Journal out on Friday. The professor of gambling studies at Nottingham Trent University said more research must be done into both the positive and negative effects of gaming. Violent computer games should be banned considering their impact on the society, so far we have been the architects of our own destruction.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Managing Capabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Managing Capabilities - Essay Example The adoption of new technology on regular intervals has boosted the marketing capabilities of ASDA. For any organization to stay competitive in the world it is very important to adopt the strategic changes. For ASDA the distribution channel in connection with the internet by online stores has helped the company a lot to expand the range of services and providing the customers with various purchasing options. Another approach used by ASDA that enhances its overall capabilities is the process of acquiring more information related to the product while the customer is in the process of taking decision. Online services also serve as sales tool. ASDA is the second retail store to offer this online service. ASDA has also brought in structural changes like removing the top layer hierarchy and the freezing wages. This change brought in positive change in the performance of the organization. The transparency has helped the company win the name of the best employer in the UK today. This led to an increase in the shareholder value. ASDA is the second largest supermarket chain in UK and has about 17% of the market share. It is a powerful retailing business and is well reputed for the products it has and the convenience it gives to its customers. The primary focus of ASDA is to save money and keep the costs as low as possible. The company has a strong technology system that supports its operations. If we talk about the weakness of the company so it can be regarded as the lack of convenience stores and the small supermarkets (Ackerman, 1997). Talking about the biggest competition to ASDA that is Tesco it is found out that almost two third of its total... Managing Capabilities Structuring tools and strategy frameworks are main keys to assess the situation of the business. Value trade-offs and risks are made explicit that lead to proposals that are concrete for adding value and reducing the risk. The frameworks that have been discussed in this study and the Pestle analysis in specific are likely to help ASDA in the identification of related laws planning and conform to decrease any distraction associated with them. To retain the customer base ASDA meets the customer needs, customizes the service, ensures lower prices, helps in making better choices, continuous flow of in-store promotions. These analysis will help the company in assessing the possible success for opening new stores, that are small in any area, which is the need to stay in competition. These analyses are likely to assist in identifying the policies, regulations and laws that govern the competition and monopolies. This is a challenge faced by ASDA in its pursuit to expand its business. Under t he European Union law, the unfair competition and the large market share (dominant) can lead to low quality services and products that consequently will increase the prices of services and goods. ASDA needs to keep this in mind as it aims to increase the number of its stores and move to new areas. This study can be of great help for ASDA to maintain its strong position and implementation of the frameworks given in this study can further assist the company to enjoy the heights of success.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Communication with people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Communication with people - Essay Example The third story elaborates a persons perception about themselves while being in a relationship of any sort and holding healthy two-sided communication as an effective key of progress. The person identifies themselves as trustworthy or appearing as such so that the other person is comfortable to open up as well. The fourth story identifies everyone having the best intention but also acknowledging that this might not be the case with some people. If a person is good at his/her intentions, then it does not necessarily mean that others are good with their intentions a well. However, benefit of doubt should be given and one should believe in the goodness of everyone. The fifth story evaluates the person as someone who does not need constant communication to maintain healthy relationships. A constant need to interact digitally is not necessary in every relationship and it is sometimes good to be alone for personal reflective
Saturday, September 7, 2019
The Spherical Spatial Designs and Its Meanings in The Pantheon, Rome Term Paper
The Spherical Spatial Designs and Its Meanings in The Pantheon, Rome - Term Paper Example By looking at the vast span of the empire at that time, dome structures was almost everywhere. From the temples, churches, up to the administrative buildings, the dome was a clear Roman mark in the Roman urban zones. By looking at the existing structures of today, it is clear that the Romans directly influenced modern day engineers and architects. Arenas, stadiums and government buildings are the favored pieces that exemplify the classical Roman built. In fact, the Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. in the US is one of the premier heirs of this type of architecture. Also, the presence of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican could also attest to the influence of the Romans. Indeed, the fall of Rome did not hinder the end of its influential art and architecture. From the Middle-Ages, the Renaissance, up to the dawn of the 18th to the 19th centuries, the spirit of the Romans are present in building structures. With the remarkable Pantheon as the culmination of the ingenious Roman dom e, this paper would concentrate on the spherical spatial design of the structure. It will explain the prevalence of these kinds of structures and their significance in the Roman society at that time. By historicizing the Pantheon and narrating the context when it was built, this paper would arrive to a closer answer that pertains to the meanings of the spheres and curvatures that dominate the Pantheon. This paper will then delve into a more focused analysis of its interior. It will try to connect the presence of the pillars to the importance of the spherical feel that the Pantheon creates in its layout. The utter shift from a pagan to a Christian worship will also be explained in this paper. The importance of the dome to the pagans and the Christians will be viewed as varying interpretations based on their respective tenets and beliefs. This paper on the Pantheon’s spherical built is intended to shed light on the mysteries that surround the architecture of this Roman structur e. By the end of this study, it should give a clear understanding on the harmony and the coordination of every detail within the Pantheon. The different interpretations of the pagan and Christian should be evident and conclusive as well. For the fulfilment of this research, it will take into account various secondary sources such as books and journal articles. The historical methodology will be used in order to corroborate information and to explain the arguments of the topic at hand. The Roman Context: the Pantheon and the Society in the 1st Century Before doing an analysis on the predominance of the spherical Roman structures and its obvious use in the Pantheon, a brief narrative of the Roman society should be explained in order to contextualize the matter at hand. During the 1st century, the Roman Republic had been expanding rapidly and was transforming into an empire. The principle of expansionism was the primary rationale of the Romans’ will to subject the whole Mediterr anean under its control. At the dawn of that century, the concept of the republic was rightfully replaced with the title of the empire, primarily due to the vast expanse of its territories (Hollister, 183-189). Under the Principate, the leadership of the princep or the â€Å"first prince†caused a conquest which produced frontiers from the Tigris-Euphrates Valley in the east, the Atlantic in
States Ought Not Possess Nuclear Weapons Essay Example for Free
States Ought Not Possess Nuclear Weapons Essay â€Å"I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete. †Ronald Reagan spoke these words in office and not for the fact that he was in office, but for the fact that these words are true do I agree with him. We used our nuclear weapons once, merely one time, saw the cause and effect, yet we keep them in our possession to potentially attack again. We not need these weapons laying around, but to be dismantled and done away with entirely, which is why I affirm the resolution that states: Resolved: States ought not possess nuclear weapons. For clarity, I present definitions and observations; States; independent nations. Ought; used to express obligation, advisability, natural expectation, or logical consequence Observation One: To have possession of a weapon is signifying the ability, preparation, and willing to execute their use, because taking lives is immoral then possession for something of that same cause is immoral. Within today’s round, we must recognize what the main goal of nuclear weapons is, to protect the nation that controls them. Because of this, we must value Societal Welfare above anything else in this round. The winner of this round must be able to recognize a world where Societal Welfare, being the maximization of a country’s wellbeing by increasing the economic, political, physical security, and prosperity of its people, are improved. For this reason with costs, consequence, and benefits of an action, we must do this through Utilitarianism, which emphasizes doing the most good for the most people. Contention One: Nuclear Weapons Do Not Improve Lives â€Å"Nuclear weapons represent a structural and existential trap, of which there are only two ways out: with bombs being exploded, or bombs being dismantled. Either we disarm, or we perish. †Jonathan Schell ’82 The Fate of the Earth 215-17. I agree with the latter we disarm we survive, because Murphy’s law states, â€Å"Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. †For one reason were nuclear weapons created, to kill, like any other weapon. Killing thousand upon millions of people is not beneficial to any society thus we must dismantle any and all nuclear weapons. As humans we try and do prevent war, diseases, and suffering, it is in our nature, but nuclear weapons do all of this at the push of a button. Instead of focusing on improving the quality of human life, we become fixated on the prevention of war, while simultaneously never attaining peace. Instead, we sit at the threshold of mass destruction in the form of nuclear war. Robert Jay Lifton, Professor of Psychiatry and Eric Markusen, Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota, wrote in The Genocidal Mentality. The threat of nuclear war will prevail as long as states possess nuclear weapons and brandish them for security. This will inevitably result in their use. The proposition that nuclear weapons can be retained and never used, accidentally or by design, defies credibility. †Ronald McCoy, Conflict and Survival. He continues by saying, Human beings are fallible. In conventional war, mistakes cost lives, sometimes thousands of lives. However, if mistakes were to affect decisions relating to the use of nuclear forces, there would be no learning curve. They would result in the destruction of nations. Contention Two: Nuclear Weapons Serve No Beneficial Purpose â€Å"If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. †Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said that if we continue to have an arms race the eventual result will be world destruction. So thus nuclear weapons serve no beneficial purpose if the whole point of them is to obliterate their target. So if we possess them they will never serve a purpose unless we use them. Charles Glaser , Associate Professor, the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago, 1998 said, â€Å"Disarmament would leave all countries vulnerable to the political demands of a successful proliferator. Whatever danger proliferators pose today would be far greater in a disarmed world, even though the previously nuclear states would eventually be able to rebuild nuclear weapons, they would be unwilling to accept a period during which a proliferator enjoyed a nuclear onopoly. †Robert Jay Lifton, Professor of Psychiatry and Eric Markusen, Professor of Sociology, PHD, University of Minnesota, wrote in their book The Genocidal Mentality, â€Å"At the psychological and material heart of the transformation in consciousness we are suggesting is the replacement of dissociatied deterrence with an integrated mind-set and a policy of national defense that is neither genocidal nor threatening. This goal requires the rejection of the entire deterrence system because that system is inherently genocidal. To reject the genocidal system requires breaking out of its closed reasoning and recognizing that destroying the world in response to a perceived attack is politically unacceptable. â€
Friday, September 6, 2019
The Victorian ideal Essay Example for Free
The Victorian ideal Essay The Victorian ideal of womanhood is The Angel in the house. How does Dickens handle his female characters in Great Expectations and how do they relate to this ideal? Ben A 11wd In Great Expectations, there are a wide variety of curious and eccentric characters, but it seems that overall, there are significantly more curious female characters (Estella, Miss Havisham, Mrs Joe) than there are male characters (e.g. Mr Pumblechook). It is possible that the reason for the high number of strange women characters might be down to one or more personal experiences in Dickens life. Mrs Joe Gargery, for instance, was directly influenced by Dickens mother, Elizabeth Dickens, who sent Charles, at the age of twelve, to work in a shoe polish factory in order to support the family, who at the time were locked in prison due to the tremendous amount of debt Dickens father was in. Mrs Joe is an exaggerated caricature of Elizabeth, and the antithesis of the angel in the house. The phrase The Angel In The House has its roots in a poem written by the British lyricist Coventry Patmore. He believed that his wife Emily was the perfect incarnation of womanhood; i.e. she was beautiful, obedient, polite, a good cook etc, and it was from her influence that the 211 page volume was written in 1854, and from that poem sprung the expression used to describe a proper housewife doing her duties. Although popular, it received a lot of negative press from the more intelligent liberals both then and now, with some views being reflected by people such as Nel Noddings, who claimed that the Angel was infantile, weak and mindless. But surprisingly, Dickens was actually a supporter of the image presented by Patmore, as were the majority of individuals of the time, even if it does appear that he is criticising the angelic ideal with the character of Mrs Joe for instance, as Dickens actually held quite conservative views on the idea. Mrs Joe is possibly the least angelic person in the entire book, primarily as step by step, Dickens parallels her on every single stage with the Angel, to make her as least angelic as he can, or at least, it appears that he does. She carries with her a stick used for whacking, which Dickens ironically christens Tickler, which she uses to attack both Pip and Joe regularly. There is the image of the thimble, which would usually be used by a housewife similar to the one described in Patmores poem in order to safely knit and sew clothes, and yet Mrs Joe uses it to bash Pip on the head, which is almost the exact opposite of its original purpose. Dickens also appears to cover the ideal of women being perfect cooks, usoing the symbolism of Mrs Joe dropping nails from her top pocket into the bread dough as she is kneading it. being housewives, they would go out an earn money for the family. The women in Great Expectations range through the social classes from the very top to the very base, and yet all of them have severe defects and are not usually very friendly or caring at all. The most evident of these are the characters of Mrs Joe Gargery and Estella, and to a lesser extent, Molly, Jaggers servant. They all come from different backgrounds, and yet one deals out physical abuse to her husband and brother, one treats the main character with neglect and pretends to loathe him out of spite simply because hes madly in love with her, and the other murdered her newborn baby, of which examples can give us quite a good idea of Dickens attitudes to class as it shows that there is no difference in how nice a person is just because of their status in society. Dickens is trying to suggest that the idea that it was the social class that you were brought up in that defined your personality and character in later life was pure speculation and had no basis in truth whatsoever. It is therefore an opinion voicing not only Dickens personal and more subtly hidden opinions on women, but also another expression of his more widely-known opinions on the Social Class system of England in the Victorian era. Dickens had a sense of social justice in that he was a firm believer that the poor of the country were being treated horribly by the people further up the class system, and although he was no radical or revolutionist, he did believe that it was wrong and so voiced his opinions quite openly in his books concerning this issue. He went from working in a factory when he was twelve to a world renowned author in 30 years, and so held these beliefs firmly and was not merely passing abstract comment on these issues.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Analysis Of The CMA CGM Company
Analysis Of The CMA CGM Company CMA CGM (2010a) is the worlds third largest container shipping company and is ranked number one in France who offers a complete range of activities including shipping, handling facilities in port as well as logistics on land. Its main objective is to offer customers all over the world a proactive, innovative service which reconciles quality and high performance with protection of the environment. The founder and CEO of CMA CGM Mr. Jacques R Saade is guiding the group from the begining to till date confidently and wish to develop and run in future of container shipping. CMA CGM has always integrated security, safety and environmental concerns in their development strategies and used the latest technology to minimize the pollution. Figure (Diagram) 1. Greenhouse gas emmission by transportation (River Shuttle Containers, 2010) The River shuttle containers (2010) of CMA CGM calculated the benefit of waterways carries for protecting the environment comparing with the land transportation. Enhance to reduce the pollution they introducesd the river shuttle container barge in French teritory and Europe. Figure (Diagram)2. History of CMA CGM developed by author ( CMA CGM, 2010b) CMA CGM is operating by its own brand shipping line CMA CGM and other subsidiaries for integrating the organisation and adding value for customization in container shipping market.CMA CGM worldwide subsidiaries for strengthening group activities in transportation area which are as follows:- Container Shipping Line Delmas. Expert in African region OTAL Africa Line. Maximum coverage in west Africa CNC Line-Specialist for Intra -Asia line ANL- Leader in Oceania Mac Andrews Dedicated in Intra European trade COMANOV. Specialist for Morocco US Lines. Specialist for transpacific and Australasia trade. Multimodal River Shuttle Containers LTI France Progeco CMA Rail Logistics Services 1) CMA CGM Logistics 2) TCX Multimodal Logistics International Tourism Compagnie du ponant Tapis rouge International Partir en cargo The Travellers club The CMA CGMs (CMA CGM, 2009) e-commerce services offer a full range of online business which are comparatively easy, safe and efficient to the customer and planned to eliminate the paper and making the flow of faster information around the clock. They are highly integrated in transport sector of the world by connecting the regional leader in transportation like ANL in Australia. World shipping council (2009) repoted that CMA CGM has become an international operator serving maritime shipping routes around the world with door-to-door services combining maritime shipping with rail, river and highway transport. They expanded their business by a growth strategy and sustained capital spending which is powered by the joint force of jiant shipping leaders from USA ( US Lines ) to Africa ( OTAL line of Africa). The Group has built its success on the strong values of quality, innovation, imagination and anticipation. The CMA CGM (Marinelog, 2009) group inaugurated the French Asia Line or FAL service ( Asia to Europe) in partnership with MAERSK line ( No 1 in container shipping) by their latest vessel CMA CGM CHRISTOPHE COLOMB, one of the worlds largest container ship having 13344 TEU capacity. This vessel is integrated by latest environmental technologies that actively contribute battle against global warming and CO2 emission. In ( The Journal of Commerce ,2010) this global economic downturn, CMA CGM affected and had $5 billion in debts following the worst downturn in container shipping history also a series of steep losses from hedging deals on oil prices. The company (The Financial Times, 2010) is unable to complete the payment for new ships also taking the delivery from shipyards where the Greek ship-owner brought the ordered ship. They are trying to manage the capital from outside of the country because Frances FSI strategic investment fund is normally to invest alongside other, conventional investors. The State-owned fund of Qatar is offereing $ 1 billion for recovering the losses and faces the unwanted situation of the CMA CGM group. Advance Shipping, Environment Minded is the motto of CMA CGM about environment protection in this climate change and frequent change of world weather condition. They are awarded about the environment and know-how its ability to innovate and prepared to protect the environment. They are committed to sustainable development and respect for nature relies on numerous environmental initiatives to minimize the impact of transporting activities and trying to develop alternative transportation modes. PESTLE ANALYSIS The simplest( Rugman and Collinson,2006 ) form of understanding the paticular competitive environment or investment contexts for firms at the national or international level is PEST analysis which examines the political,economical , socio-cultural and technological condotions of a organisation.In addition legal and environmental factors created the full form of PESTLE analysis by which it is easy to assess new investment environment as an input into global expansion and market entry strategies.The enivironment is very important for doing business in this uncertain world also in globalized economy. After understanding the internal factors of the organistion (Strength and Weakness), need to assess the other factors for competing with others or adding value to create such an environment for sustainity. Figure (Diagram)3. PESTLE Analysis (Developed by Author) In a study of business environment, Johnson et al (2007) identified three layers which are as follows:- The most general layer of the environment is macro-environment as framed the PESTLE which strategies are affected by influences and some of the ways for seeking to handle the outer aspects of the organisation. The broad general layer is the industry or sector as framed five forces which strategies are concentrated the cycles of competition among the organisations. The most immediate layer is markets and competitors which strategies are concentrated to identify direct and indirect competitors. Overall, PESTLE analysis is tool identify the major external factors for running the organisation within a limited arena where opportunities are unlimited but threat may be influenced to stop the activities. PESTLE ANALYSIS OF CMA CGM Political As a European shipping company also to be a french line, CMA CGM has a stable political adventages in own region and over the world. They are getting exclusive cooperation from French government and European Union for extending the business globally. Due to their subsidiries presency in Africa, USA and others, they are able to manage any political issues by their partner and directly. Economical CMA CGM is passing a very tough economic time because of the downturn. They are in crisis from the begining of 2009 where 2008 shows ahuge profit. The Financial time reported that the company is trying to solve the problem by procuring the fund fron government or outside of the country. Sociocultural CMA CGM (2010C) plays a significant role in humaintarean development of the world and commited to promote the well-being of the children, particularly children with disabilities or length illnesses. Handicap International and the International Red Cross is the social partner for supporting the childrens mental and physical development. CMA CGM corporate foundation also support various artistic activities includingg the socaial and cultural activities in port and shipping sector. The foundation contributed in humanitarean and cultural program by working in Franch and Lebanon. Over 60 projects are running by reneoed humanitarean and cultural organisation funded by CMA CGM foundation. Technological E-business is the main systems of container shipping and CMA CGM is serving throgh e-business. Every information related to shipping operations and corporate are available on their website and customer can know any information regarding their cargo or others business function from the corporate website also from the subsidiary website. All vessels are manoeuvring by using latest technilogy which are safest and envirionment friendly. Environmental The Group (CMA CGM,2009) has a plan to cut CO2 emissions by 15 % per container and per kilometre. They will preserve the budget for ocean environment also develop the portfolio which will be environment friendly services and shipping solutions. Fighting against the negative impact of climate or climate change is the key component of Groups environmental policy. The equipment or container of the company is going to convert into eco container for reducing the use carbon as raw material. Most of the vessel of the company is equipped with a combination of innivative environmental features likw fast oil recovery system, multichamber waste compactor to recycle garbage on board , proper water ballast systems and etc. CMA CGM is awraded by Long Beach Harbour in their Green Flag Program . Legal CMA CGM expanded their business through merger and acquisition recently. They owned various lines as per international legal policy and financial tranjection and paying all kinds of tax and duties to the respective government.All vessel of the company are manoeuvering as international standard rules and regulations imposed by IMO (International Maritime Organisation) or other shipping authority. CORPORATE STRATEGY Grant (2005) defines corporate strategy as the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes and decides the investment procedures through diversification, integration, merger, foreign direct investment, acquisition etc. In a mult-business ( Lasserre,2007) corporation , the corporate stragy features the long term objectives, selecting business portfolio, allocating resources across businesses and designing its structure, systems and processes. Corporate (Koveos, 1997)history has featured lots of ways or approached foe restrucering the company both internally and externally. External restructuring has taken place through a variety of mechanisms including Mergers and Acquisitions. He added that changed world business system augmented by the transition of so many previously planned economies to a new market based framework. Synergy (Koveos, 1997) from mergers or other restructuring activity has been characteristically portrayed as 2+2=5. For getting the c ompettitive advantages or extra benefit from the synergy and entrancing the market or decreasing the barriers, the restructuring process is doing through corporate strategy like mergers and acquisitions. 05. MERGER ACQUSITION The main theme of corporate business strategy is integration of the company. Integrating process may be diversification, Merger and Acquisition, FDI, CSR or any other strategic application. Galpan Herndon (2007) found that well managed integration in an organisation can achieve significant results in working and positive outcomes in a disciplined, acclerreated and resealt-oriented approaches of the employee. Figure (Diagram)5. Merger and acquisition developed by author In a study of strategic management ,Thompson Strickland (2003:p-177) expressed that no company can afford to ignore the strategic and competitive benefits of acquiring or merging with another company to strengthen its market position and open up avenues of new opportunity. That is why MA is one of the best option for penetrating the own product into new market or kill the rivalry for decreasing the competition at present market. 06. MOTIVES FOR MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS In a study Panayides Gong (2002) stated two major motives of MA in shipping industry and these are Value- maximization and Strategic marketing motives.Value -maximization motives divided into three parts which are as follows:- 01. Market Power. It impacted to the present market and may be extended the business with the help of merged or acquired company. Panayides Gong (2002) brought an example of a shipping company. The case of CP ships and its 1994 acquisition of CAST (Shipping Company) a major competitor of CP ships in the port of Montreal- provide anecdotal evidence completely changed and controlled 85% of the container business in a relatively short period. 02. Efficiency Increase. 03. Operating and Financial synergies. Operating synergies may arise as a result of revenue enhancements and/or cost reductions that are effected from the merger The major strategic objectives of shipping companies may include the acquisition of market share, the expansion or entry into new markets (geographical or new services), acquisition of management skills to argument firm capabilities in relation to new growth areas and the transfer of management capabilities to acquired firms to assists rebuilding. 07. MERGER ACQUISITION IN SHIPPING Maritime industries are prone to uncertainties and risks for their global activities where competitive pressure releted to larger but fewer players. Due to globalization of the world trade especially in shipping, shipping companies are trying to make a global chain for providing the services from door to door as well as adding value by covering the all places of the world. This is the main logistic aims of container shipping to diversify the business by offering wide range of benefits and economic facilities from the origin to the final destination. Minimizing the barriers which are blocked to serve in the chain, they are integrating their compnany by global strategies viz Diversification, MA and etc. Year Coverage 1982 26% 1992 42% 2008 60% Figure (Table) 6. World slot coverage by top 20 carriers (Notteboom Rodrigue ,nd) In 1982, the world slot is coverd by top 20 carriers was 26% and it tremendously incresed in 2008 and the highest 60%. The world container or slot is increasing but the business is going to the limited operators. Merger and acuisition strategy is playing the main role fordeceasing numbof operators. Internationalization and globalization both are created the competitive enivironment in container shipping industry. Preliminary, it transform to the liner service and taking slot from other operators for reducing cost or customization by mother connection with the feeder or quick service. After that the alliances of some opertors like OOCL MISC, former PO and NYK made Global alliance (OOCL, 2010) in 1998 and more allinaces by leading operator driven exclusive business dynamics in this trade. After (Heaver et all, 1993) huge loss in north atlantic container trade in 1993, all operators tried in several times to develop cartel agreements like Transatlantic Agreement (TAA) by determining rates, capacity, supply of the vessel for gaining and minimizing the lost .Acquisition of Australian National Line ANL by CMA CGM or takeover of APL by NOL were the big dealing in ocean conatiner shipping. Surprizingly, MAERSK line (PO Nedlloyd, 2005) merged its core competotr company PO Neddlloyd in 2 005 and expressed as the largest shipping company of the world. Not only horigental integration but also vertical integration of shipping company created more competition in the container shipping market. Furthermore, merger and acquisition is extended to port terminal management, intermodal systems, tourism industry, and shipbuilding for getting more advantages and fullfill the main motto of container shippiing servces (Stopford, 1997) that means door to door service. 08. INTEGRATION OF CMA CGM GROUP Shipping Line Shipping Line A B C D E Shipping Agents or General Sales Agents at Various Port and Country Cargo Handling Company or Stevedores or Terminal Operator Freight Forwarder Or NVOCC ( Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier) Inland Transport Operator or Intermodal or multimodal operator Figure (Diagram)7. Transport Chain Integration based on shipping line example Freeman (2009) argued that containerisation prepares the basis ground of integration in both vertically and horizentally. It is the demand to create the chain or making a system for transpoting the box or container smothly. The main components are Main Line opeations, terminal operations, Intermodal and logistics. The containers are mainly owned by the operator and repositioning from one place to another frequently. So, the responsibilty of the carriers is not finishing by giving only the one service. CORPORATE SHIPPING CONTRACT Vertical Integration of CMA CGM Group LOGISTICS Figure(Diagram) 8. Vertical Integration of CMA CGM Group developed by author. The company integrated vertically by creating the business of logistics, terminal business and intermodal in various countries (Road and rail facilities). Land Transport International and Transit International are two transport channel of trucking and forwarding company for caring the cargo from/to the consignee premises to/from the port or internal transfer from one place to another. The River shuttle containers ( 2010) is the cheaper and more ecological transportation of containers by barge or rail services which are operated in all over the Europe as door to door intermodal services. In addition they have corporate shipping contract with the industry players and international organisation CMA CGM logistics . CMA rail has two subsidiries where 100 % in europe rail link and 55% in Algeria rail link ( Northern Africa). Moreover, they are expanding their rail network in USA and India.TCX multimodal and Progeco covered the area of multimodal carriage which are help to add value in thei r main business.CMA CGM ( The Hindu Business Line,2006)has two subsidiries in terminal and port operations Terminal Link and Portsynergy which are operated in Malta, France, Morocco, North Eastern Europe, USA and Togo. However, they eastablished the supply chain network from the bonded warehouse to ocean tranportation facilities by their subsidiries and independent network of transport. Horigental Integration of CMA CGM Group Container shipping transpotation is the main business of CMA CGM group. They owned the seven container lines of the world ANL, DELMAS OTAL and others to cover the all port and places of the world. As per their strategies, they merged or acquired these lines for getting the compettitive advantages in a specific region and connecting with the main line of CMA CGM. 09. CONCLUSION The Shipping industry (Casson, 1986) has an important role in contemporary restructuring of world trade. Containerisation made the easy transportation of commodity especially for manufaturing goods ant its raw materials. Integration (Freemont, 2009) of the transport chain come up against the financial, technical and human resource capacity of the different actors involved in this trade. Merger and Acquisition of a company is the fruits of research to cover the area for adding value in the shipping services. Other factors like culture, attitude of key employee and environment also key factors to adapt or sustain after merger and acquisition. CMA CGM is the great example of MA for their group activities from the very begining to till date but recent recession affected the group and trying to survive. However, they are trying to manage the fund from outside of the Group (The Financial Times,2010). Corporate business strategy will help them to do better work for upcoming business trends. As shipping is the big business where risk is high and low return, the strategy may be considered carefully and economically.
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