Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cloning: Has Science Created A Frankenstein? Essay -- Argumentative Pe

Cloning Has acquaintance Created A Frankenstein?In Shelleys Frankenstein the scientist Victor Frankenstein is out to prepare life by putt human parts along with electricity. His quest is to be able to make believe life in a way which has never been done or thought of before. Victor Frankenstein may have been motivated by the expiration of his family, hoping to find a reverse to death in an attempt to finesse death. He may have also been motivated by the force of creating life. Regardless of his motivation his require to create life became so enkindle that he eventidetually had no use up in anyaffair but his work. This desire for scientific advancement which Shelley writes about moldiness be similar to what motivates scientists even today. In the last century scientist have been attempting to find ways to create life by artificial means. Scientists have made in-vitro fertilization possible, allowing thousands of barren couples to have biological children. When in-vitro fer tilization was introduced it was seen as completely unnatural and divergence against all religions. I am sure there are hitherto people who view in-virto fertilization as wrong, but the vast absolute majority of the universe of discourse can see it for its benefits at this point. Although it must be utter that it did take a while for people on a tout ensemble to accept this method of conceiving a child. Today, we as a society world wide have a new issue to deal with. Science has discovered the means in which to clone animals, opening a total new discussion. Many people are inclined to say why would science even wish to peruse this method of research. Lewis Thomas says in his essay The Hazards of Science It would seem to me a more unnatural thing and more of an offense against nat... ... effect all humanity, and therefore, need to not stand for on an individual level. J. Michael Bishop states that The price of science seems large but to go down science is to d eny future.(261). We can not undo what has been discovered and we must ensure that all countries involved with cloning form a mission to monitor the uses of this technology to ensure that it is used in the best interest of mankind. Works CitedBishop, Michael J. Enemies of Promise The Presence of Others. C Comp. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. impudently York St. Martins, 1997 255-263. Shelley, bloody shame Frankenstein. The Presence of Others. Comp Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. New York St. Martins, 1997 230-235. Thomas, Lewis The Hazards of Science The Presence of Others. Comp. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. New York St. Martins, 1997 236-242.

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